Prayers for the Bahá’ís in Iran

6 September 2022
18 Asmá’ 179 B.E.

– Prayers for the Bahá’ís in Iran
– Unit and National Convention recommendations 2022  
– UK Bahá’í News on WhatsApp

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All believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

The ongoing escalation of the persecution of the Bahá’ís of Iran is being vigorously condemned by – and widely publicised through – the work of the Bahá’í International Community and National Spiritual Assemblies. In the United Kingdom these efforts have been led by the Office of Public Affairs, and by the efforts of Local Spiritual Assemblies and Groups to contact their local Members of Parliament to raise this important matter with the Foreign Secretary and the government.

The National Assembly is conscious of how deeply concerned Bahá’ís and their friends are for the safety and wellbeing of the believers in the Cradle of the Faith, indeed for all those who are suffering in Iran. As one response to this, the National Assembly is calling all individuals, families, communities, institutions and those engaged in activities together, to partake in a period of intense prayer, beseeching Bahá’u’lláh to protect and strengthen all peoples of every background who are suffering in Iran. Each can find their own way of contributing to this prayer campaign – perhaps through calling a special meeting, or organising a systematic prayer campaign, or including special prayers in existing spaces.

Undoubtedly the best way to honour the sacrifices of the believers in Iran is to devote our attention to the vital community building activities of the Faith, indeed to increase the intensity of such activities in light of the Nine Year Plan. It would bring great joy to the hearts of the believers in Iran to know that the Cause of God has advanced as a direct result of their sacrifices. “When the swords flash, go forward! When the shafts fly, press onward!” is how Bahá’u’lláh encourages us to respond in times of oppression and difficulties.

May your efforts attract His confirmations and blessings and bring joy to the hearts of the believers in Iran.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Patrick O’Mara,

Unit and National Convention recommendations

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All believers in the United Kingdom 

Dearly loved Friends, 

The National Spiritual Assembly is pleased to share with you its responses to the recommendations raised at the unit conventions last year and the recent National Convention.

Click here for Unit Convention recommendations >
Click here for National Convention recommendations >

As always, each recommendation received by the National Assembly has been carefully considered.  Some recommendations require a good deal of time to consider fully, or indeed to implement, and in doing so the National Assembly sometimes calls upon the advice and guidance of its agencies that are expert in various fields of service, such as the Regional Bahá’í Councils, regional training institute boards, and the Office of Public Affairs. Others spark consultations on subjects that are not directly related to the recommendation being considered.  Many of the recommendations received have a significant effect on the growth and development of the Faith in the United Kingdom and, hence, the National Assembly greatly values receiving them.

Hard copies of these documents can be obtained, if required, from the National Office. 

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Patrick O’Mara,

UK Bahá’í News on WhatsApp

The opportunity now exists for friends to receive UK Bahá’í News via a WhatsApp broadcast list. News items that appear on this email will be shared via WhatsApp to those friends who might prefer to access them in this way. To register to be added to the broadcast list, kindly use this form >

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