A Widening Embrace


16 May 2018
19 Jamál 175 BE

To all believers in the United Kingdom

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Dearly loved friends,

As you may be aware, the Universal House of Justice has recently made available to the Bahá’í world a film that it commissioned for presentation, titled A Widening Embrace.  Lasting 77 minutes, the film “captures experiences and insights from clusters, neighbourhoods, villages, towns, and cities in all parts of the world where peoples are taking charge of their own spiritual, social, and material development through the application of the teachings of Bahá’u’lláh”.

There are three segments or chapters within the film that illustrate distinct but interrelated dimensions of the work of building vibrant communities:

  • Embracing large numbers,
  • Youth summoned to the vanguard
  • Stirrings of social action.

The film has been made available to download or view online at http://www.bahai.org/widening-embrace.  If you are unable to view or download the film in this manner, it can be provided on a DVD or on a memory stick on request to nsa@bahai.org.uk.

In distributing the film, the Universal House of Justice expressed the hope that this film will be “a source of inspiration and hope to growing numbers around the globe who are joyfully contributing to the collective effort of building the world anew”.

The National Spiritual Assembly commends it to your individual and collective viewing with all who are walking with you on the path of service.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Patrick O’Mara,