Appointment of the Continental Counsellors for new term

National Spiritual Assembly

27 October 2015
12 ‘Ilm 172 B.E.

To all believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

We are pleased to share with you the below and attached letter dated 27 October 2015 from the Universal House of Justice regarding the newly appointed members of the Continental Board of Counsellors.

To the Baha’is of the World

Dear Baha’i Friends,

The Day of the Covenant, 26 November 2015, marks the opening of a new five-year term of service for the members of the Continental Boards of Counsellors for the Protection and Propagation of the Faith. It is with great joy that we announce the names of the Counsellors appointed for the coming term, whose number remains at eighty-one.

AFRICA (18 Counsellors): Melanie Bangala, Mariama Ousmane Djaouga, Alain Pierre Djoulde, Clement Thyrell Feizoure, Agatha Gaisie-Nketsiah, Maty Issoufou, Musonda Kapusa-Linsel (Trustee of the Continental Fund), Townshend Lihand Sehla Masunda, Maina Mkandawire, Judicael Mokole, Aggrey Zeyazi Munubi, Albert Nshisu Nsunga, Ahmad Parsa, Iharinirina Rakotomavo, Nancy Oloro Robarts, Christopher Kiprotich Songok, Djamila Tchakreo

THE AMERICAS (19 Counsellors): Jose Luis Almeida, Ronny Brenes (Trustee of the Continental Fund), Beatriz Carmona, Brigida Carrillo, Ingrid Umpierre Conter, Daniel Duhart, Farah Guchani-Rosenberg, Sonlla Heern, Nwandi Ngozi Lawson, Borna Noureddin, Arthur Powell, Carmen Elisa de Sadeghian, Pejman Samoori, Bernardino Sanchez, Navid Serrano, Mark Sisson, Raul Taboada, Shabnam Tashakour, Holly Woodard

ASIA (22 Counsellors): Jamil Aliyev, Vugar Alizadeh, Walid Ayyash, Jabbar Eidelkhani, Shareen Farhad, Nadera Fikri, Kam Mui Sayers Fok, Gloria Javid, Lee Lee Loh Ludher, Tarrant Matthew Mahony, Nibras Sarmad Moqbel, Delafruz Nassimova, Myint Zaw Oo, Sokuntheary Reth, Foad Reyhani (Trustee of the Continental Fund), Hesham Saad, Rajan Sawant, Omid Seioshanseian, Dregpal Singh, Zebinisso Soliyeva, Ircham Sujadmiko, Fang Jung Tseng Chung

AUSTRALASIA (10 Counsellors): Ritia Kamauti Bakineti, Nadia Fifita, Kirk Johnson, Dinesh Kumar-Mills, Jalal Rodney Mills, Taraz Nadarajah, Daniel Pierce, Kessia Ruh, Tessa Scrine (Trustee of the Continental Fund), Henry Tamashiro

EUROPE (12 Counsellors): Naisan Azimi, Raffaella Capozzi Gubinelli, Olga Daradur, Aiste Elijio, Shirin Fozdar-Foroudi, Zoraida Garcia Garro, Bernard Lo Cascio (Trustee of the Continental Fund), Saba Mazza, Yevgeniya Poluektova, Mehdi Rezvan, Amir Saberin, Paul Verheij

The following believers, who have earned our abiding gratitude for their self-sacrificing contributions to the progress of the Cause, are being relieved of the duties of membership on the Boards of Counsellors:

Selam Ahderom, Sohayla Asari, Enkhdelger Banzragch, Soheyla Bolouri, Uta von Both, Ann Boyles, Maziar Djoneidi, Bijan Farid, Amina Jaouane, Saba Khabirpour, Ana Hilda de Lemus, Katalayi Mbombo, Firouzeh Moghbel-Naderi, Zowe Tiba Nganyade, Lori McLaughlin Noguchi, Helen Otia, U’ileiuluwehi Pimental, Khursheda Porsayeva, Ganesh Ramsahai, Leticia Iturburo Rivadeneira, Daniel Scott, George Soraya, Alan Wilcox, Anita Vandella Williams, Tiati a Zock

We are confident that these dear friends will remain a source of inspiration and strength to the believers as they continue their dedicated efforts for the advancement of the Faith in the coming years. We shall offer supplications at the Sacred Threshold on their behalf, that divine blessings may surround their every endeavour in the path of service to Bahá’u’lláh.

The series of Plans that have been launched since 1996 have focused the Baha’i world on a single aim–advancing the process of entry by troops. The great strides that have been made during the current Five Year Plan have fully prepared the community of the Greatest Name for the final thrust in the span of years that will culminate in the centenary of the Formative Age. We are calling the Counsellors from all continents to the Baha’i World Centre for a conference from 29 December 2015 to 2 January 2016, during which deliberations will be held on the exigencies of the next Five Year Plan–which will unfold during a period of time pregnant with rich possibilities–and on the decisive role the Counsellors are to play, together with their auxiliaries, in the critical months leading up to its launch and in the years that follow.

We will offer fervent prayers at the Sacred Threshold that the consecrated exertions of these eighty-one souls may be guided and confirmed by the boundless grace and abundant favours of the Abha Beauty.

[signed: The Universal House of Justice]

Click here to download the above letter