Category Archives: Baha’i Council for England

Bahá’í Council for England – News Update

To all Bahá’ís in England

Dearly loved friends,The bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb is just over three months away and we are entering the final stages of a historic period that is both unique and full of spiritual potency!

The Council for England is delighted to share an updated version of the web page ‘Summer of the Herald’  that includes information about service opportunities and events over this summer period:

Summer of the Herald

The Universal House of Justice has lovingly conveyed to us that the period that separates the  bicentenary celebrations of 2017 and 2019 is a time that requires “the greatest share of the effort needed to fulfil the goal of the Plan”. 

Be assured, dearest friends, of the ardent prayers of the Council for England that your devoted efforts are aided by the Blessed Beauty as we march towards the end of the Plan together, the last in a series marking the first century of the formative age of the Faith.

With abiding love and admiration,

Marco Milone,

Bahá’í Council for England

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