Category Archives: Baha’i Council for Northern Ireland

BCNI Secretariat Aide

17 January 2018
19 Sharaf 174 B.E.

Please see below and attached a message from the Bahá’í Council for Northern Ireland for your kind attention.

18 January 2018
1 Sulṭán 174 B.E.

To all believers in the United Kingdom:

Re: Secretariat Aide of the Bahá’í Council for Northern Ireland,

Dearly loved friends,

The Bahá’í Council for Northern Ireland is pleased to invite members of the community to consider applying for a service opportunity which has arisen in assisting the development of the Council’s institutional capacity in the position of Secretariat aide.

The following excerpt from the document ‘Insights from the Frontiers of Learning’, from the International Teaching Centre, is helpful in illustrating the scope of the work of the Council’s secretariat office:

Along with their responsibilities in the field, Regional Councils are carrying out an array of administrative duties. They are trying to put into place efficient systems and mechanisms to ensure the flow of funds, information, learning, and human resources, such as pioneers. The scope of the work of Council Secretaries, which includes overseeing administrative and field operations and, in some cases, properties, is increasing, requiring many to devote hours equivalent to full-time service. In order to manage the wide range of tasks, well- functioning offices with support staff are emerging.

It is envisaged that the individual would have the following qualities and capacities;

  • Understanding of the work of the Plan
  • Demonstrated organisational skills and ability to document and record processes
  • Ability to take initiative within established systems and procedures
  • Strong written skills and ability to prepare reports
  • Ability to understand quantitative and qualitative information

It is anticipated the work would require a minimum of 14 hrs a week for a minimum of 1 year. Remuneration is available to enable the aide to carry out this service. The aide will work closely with the Secretary bearing in mind the primary responsibility of the Council in overseeing the execution of the Plan.

Any believer applying for this role is kindly asked to submit his or her Curriculum Vitae together with a covering letter, detailing the reasons for their application to Council Secretary, 89 Glenvale Park, Derry, BT48 0GB, or by email to The closing date for applications is Friday, 12th January 2018. Interviews will take place shortly thereafter. Your prayerful consideration of this opportunity for service is deeply appreciated by the Council for Northern Ireland. Be assured of the loving prayers of the Council for all the efforts of the Friends labouring diligently in the path of our Beloved. Calling to mind this years Ridvan message we are cognisant of the spiritual nature of the work at hand:

The obligations that must be met by the company of the faithful are made the more pressing by the confusion, distrust, and cloudiness in the world. Indeed, the friends should use every opportunity to shine a light that can illuminate the way and offer assurance to the anxious, hope to the despairing. We are reminded of the counsel given by the Guardian to one Baha’i community in words that seem intended for our own time: “As the fabric of present-day society heaves and cracks under the strain and stress of portentous events and calamities, as the fissures, accentuating the cleavage separating nation from nation, class from class, race from race, and creed from creed, multiply, the prosecutors of the Plan must evince a still greater cohesion in their spiritual lives and administrative activities, and demonstrate a higher standard of concerted effort, of mutual assistance, and of harmonious development in their collective enterprises. – Ridvan 2017 message of The Universal House of Justice,

With loving Bahá’í Greetings,

Maria Graham
Secretary, Bahá’í Council for Northern Ireland.

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