Category Archives: Baha’i Histories

Bahá’í Academy for the Arts – a Bahá’í Histories Archive Project

22 February 2017
17 Mulk 173 B.E.

Please see below a message from the UK Bahá’í Histories Project for your kind attention.

The Bahá’í Academy for the Arts – A Bahá’í Histories Archive Project

Dear friends,

Some of you will remember the Bahá’í Academy for the Arts, which offered an annual week long opportunity to study the arts. It began in 1993 when there were 25 participants and grew to well over 300 attending by 2010.

We want to record the story of the Academy for anyone in the future who is interested in the development of the arts within the UK Bahá’í community. This is being written, but in order for it to be full of life, we need the memories and anecdotes of the individuals who attended over the years.

Did you attend? Do you have a story to tell, no matter how small? Perhaps of the experience of an Academy course, or perhaps how the Academy got you started on a career path in the arts. Perhaps how the Academy cemented a love of the Faith through you connecting with the arts. We want the human stories and memories to add to the facts and figures …. Can you help us?

Once complete the story will be uploaded onto the Bahá’í Histories website for everyone to access, with links to visual material from each event.

Please send any anecdotes and memories to

With warmest greetings,
Cecilia Smith & Margaret Appa

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