Category Archives: Bahai literature

Back in print: ‘The Priceless Pearl’
















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As Guardian of the Bahá’í Faith for 36 years, Shoghi Effendi shaped the affairs and guided the destiny of the Cause of God.  The Priceless Pearl – the classic account of his life and extraordinary achievements, written by his widow Rúhíyyih Rabbani – is now back in print for the first time since 2000.

The panorama of Shoghi Effendi’s life, so filled with sorrow and drama, crisis and victory, stretches through the pages of this book in a memorable and moving account of events, ably portrayed by the pen of one who was not only a Bahá’í from birth, but honoured by becoming the wife of the Guardian of her Faith; who served him tirelessly as his personal secretary; who was appointed by him a Hand of the Cause of God; and who he stated had been his “shield” during the difficult days of his life.

Click here to order The Priceless Pearl from Bahá’í Books UK.  The hardcover edition retails at £10.50; the softcover is £6.50. 496 pages, with 68 pages of photographs.

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