Category Archives: inspirational stories

Inspirational stories – second selection

The Universal House of Justice has written that the period we are currently in – between the two bicentenaries – is when “the greatest share of the effort needed to fulfil the objectives of the Five Year Plan would be required.  This, therefore, must be the main focus of the believers in their clusters.” (To all National Spiritual Assemblies, 1 June 2018)

To inspire and encourage the friends, the National Assembly is sharing stories of individuals and communities in the United Kingdom, which it is hoped will assist all of the believers to view the day-to-day activities of the Plan as the most important and urgent work that needs to be done during this “period of special potency”, and the most fitting way to honour the Herald of the Faith and His ultimate sacrifice for the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh

The second selection of stories is available here >.   Please feel free to share them through home visits, at Feasts, or during any other opportunity that presents itself.

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