Category Archives: Institution of the Counsellors

Auxiliary Board member appointment

17 May 2021
3 ‘Aẓamat 178 B.E.

– Auxiliary Board member appointment
– New essays in The Bahá’í World highlight uniqueness of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s message in the West; survey agricultural achievements in Africa

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All believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

The Continental Board of Counsellors in Europe has informed the National Spiritual Assembly that Mrs. Annabel Djalili has been appointed as the new Auxiliary Board member for Protection for the East England with immediate effect. This is for the remainder of the current term of service of the Auxiliary Boards, and for the next five-year term ending on the Day of the Covenant, 25 November 2026.  She can be contacted at or on 07875 978422.

The beloved Guardian described the Auxiliary Board members as a “vital and indispensable organ of the embryonic and steadily unfolding Bahá’í Administrative Order”.  In a letter addressed to the Conference Marking the Inauguration of the International Teaching Centre Building, the Universal House of Justice stated that ministering to the crying needs of humanity for the divine prescriptions “. . . largely depends upon the revolutionary vision, the creative drive and systematic effort of Auxiliary Board members and their assistants who prompt and encourage individuals, institutions and communities to act with dispatch, constancy and enthusiasm.”

The National Spiritual Assembly wishes to express its profound and most loving gratitude to Annabel for the thoughtful insights, dedication and loving spirit she has brought to the work of the institution since her election in 2019. As she takes up her new path of service, we are sure that you will join with the National Assembly in prayer, beseeching Bahá’u’lláh to assist Annabel and all of the Auxiliary Board members in the discharge of their sacred duties.

An immediate by-election is being called to fill this vacancy on the National Assembly. The delegates that elected the National Spiritual Assembly at Riḍván 2021 will receive instructions and ballot papers in the coming days.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,
Patrick O’Mara,

New essays in The Bahá’í World highlight uniqueness of
‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s message in the West;
survey agricultural achievements in Africa >

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