Category Archives: Iran

UK Bahá’í News update

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  • Registration open for National Ḥazíratu’l-Quds open day
  • Special bicentenary collection added to Bahá’í Media Bank
  • Artistic expressions blossom across the globe
  • Bahá’í review panels
  • Recent raids, arrests and court cases against Bahá’ís in Iran

Registration open for National Ḥazíratu’l-Quds open day 

On Saturday 28 September 2019, to mark the bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb and the forthcoming Twin Holy Days, there will be an open day, including a display of historic archives, at 27 Rutland Gate.  The friends are warmly invited to book their 30-minute time slot for that day using the registration site, here >.

Special bicentenary collection added to Bahá’í Media Bank

A collection of 86 images and videos related to the bicentenaries of the births of Bahá’u’lláh and the Báb has been added to the Bahá’í Media Bank, as bicentenary preparations gain momentum around the world. The new section, called Special Bicentenary Collection, includes photographs related to the Shrines of the Báb and Bahá’u’lláh, aerial videos of the Shrine of the Báb and the terraces, bicentenary graphics in nine languages, and images and videos offering glimpses of the October 2017 celebrations of the bicentenary of the birth of Bahá’u’lláh. Read more here >.

Artistic expressions blossom across the globe

Preparations for the worldwide celebrations of the bicentenary of the birth of the Báb are giving rise to diverse artistic expressions inspired by the lives and teachings of both the Báb and Bahá’u’lláh.  Designated accounts on InstagramFacebook, and YouTube are being regularly updated with international images and videos.  Read more, here >. 

Friends around the United Kingdom are also playing their part in channeling the spiritual forces released by the previous bicentenary into their personal and collective endeavours. The UK Bahá’í Bicentenary Facebook page is sharing news and stories of plans being made by communities.

Bahá’í Review Panels

The friends are reminded that any Bahá’í literature, articles or audio-visual items which are to be sold or circulated widely must be submitted for pre-publication review.  This is to safeguard the Faith from misrepresentation and to ensure dignity and accuracy of presentation.  There are three principal points of contact for the review panels, depending on the nature of the materials:

Literature: Mr. Peter Hulme. Email:

Audio-visual items:  Including video and digital presentations, music (where words are an integral part of the production), recorded talks, storytelling, poetry, visual images, jewellery, and souvenir items: Mrs. Margaret Appa. Email: or telephone: 07803 500279

Academic: Dr. Nazila Ghanea. Email:

When submitting an item for review please ensure that the panel concerned has adequate time to complete a proper review process. If you are uncertain how long a period would be necessary, please contact the appropriate panel well in advance.

Recent raids, arrests and court cases against Bahá’ís in Iran

The Bahá’í International Community is deeply concerned following a series of arrests, home raids and false sentences in Iran.  Read more here >

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