Category Archives: Mashriqu’l-Adhkar

Forthcoming Holy Days

19 November 2019
17 Qudrat 176 B.E.

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  • The Day of the Covenant and the Ascension of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá
  • 2020 Viking Youth Conference, Norway
  • Milestone for Vanuatu Temple uplifts, galvanizes island

To all believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

In the coming days, we will once more be blessed with the privilege of commemorating the Day of the Covenant and the Ascension of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá.  While there is no obligation for the believers to abstain from work on these two Holy Days, you will no doubt wish to gather with friends in local communities to mark these special days.

Beginning at sunset on Monday 25 November, the Day of the Covenant allows us to commemorate Bahá’u’lláh’s appointment of His eldest son, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, as the protector of the Covenant of Bahá’u’lláh and His unique station as the Centre of the Covenant.

‘Abdu’l-Bahá wrote of the Covenant:

Today no power can conserve the oneness of the Bahá’í world save the Covenant of God; otherwise differences like unto a most great tempest will encompass the Bahá’í world.  It is evident that the axis of the oneness of the world of humanity is the power of the Covenant and nothing else.  Had the Covenant not come to pass, had it not been revealed from the Supreme Pen and had not the Book of the Covenant, like unto the ray of the Sun of Reality, illuminated the world, the forces of the Cause of God would have been utterly scattered and certain souls who were the prisoners of their own passions and lusts would have taken into their hands an axe, cutting the root of this Blessed Tree.  Every person would have pushed forward his own desire and every individual aired his own opinion!

‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Tablets of the Divine Plan, p. 51

 The anniversary of the Ascension of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, will be commemorated this year on Thursday 28 November at 1:00 in the morning, marking the time when His illustrious soul left this early plain and ascended to the Abhá Kingdom.  This is aptly expressed in a tablet addressed to American believers, written a few days before His passing:

In the cage of this world I flutter even as a frightened bird, and yearn every day to take My flight unto Thy Kingdom. Yá Bahá’u’l-Abhá! Make Me drink of the cup of sacrifice, and set Me free.

Cited by Shoghi Effendi, God Passes By, p.309

These precious Holy Days are naturally moments to reflect deeply on the significance of the Covenant for the future of mankind, as well as about ‘Abdu’l-Bahá as its Centre.  They are occasions to reach out to all of our friends, colleagues and family members, and share the centrality of both to the unity of mankind, assuring the future well-being and prosperity of humanity. May it be an occasion for joyous, profound and uplifting conversations!

The National Spiritual Assembly sends you its love and warmest wishes for these Holy Days.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Patrick O’Mara,

2020 Viking Youth Conference, Norway 

The National Spiritual Assembly of Norway is inviting all 15-30 year olds to the 2020 Viking Youth Conference, focusing on action and service using the institute process as a tool.  The conference will take place from 13-22 April in Drammen, one hour by express train from Oslo Airport. 

The conference will be held in the neighbourhood of Fjell in the Buskerud cluster, which will give the youth many opportunities to reach out and learn together, shoulder to shoulder in the field of action. 

Further information will be shared in due course.  As the organisers are asking how many youth from the UK may be planning to attend, please inform the UK National Assembly if you are intending to participate, at

Milestone for Vanuatu Temple uplifts, galvanizes island

The people of Tanna, joined by government officials, gathered for a historic groundbreaking celebration for one of the first local Bahá’í Houses of Worship in the world.  Read more, here >

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