Category Archives: Finance Office

Fund goals 2017 update

National Spiritual Assembly

28 November 2017
8 Qawl 174 B.E.

To all believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

In a letter to the community of 30 May 2017, the National Spiritual Assembly indicated the needs of certain funds. We feel it timely to provide the following update regarding the contributions that have been sacrificially made to date:


Project Targets



Actual contributions 2017



Guardian’s Resting Place Endowment

£    250,000

£   127,077


Guardian’s Resting Place Maintenance

£    300,000

£     59,319


Clifton Guest House, Bristol

£    100,000

£     28,089


Bahá’í Institute for Higher Education

£    200,000

£     63,691

Some of the contributions resulted from fundraising events that were organised by friends who had the opportunity to watch the PowerPoint presentation that was issued by the National Spiritual Assembly to Local Spiritual Assemblies in June. This presentation illustrated the current needs and included inspiring stories of sacrifice and generous giving from the history of the Faith – please find copies of these materials enclosed.

Dear Friends, you will note that there is still a shortfall in the contributions that have been received. As we come to the last few months of the year, and in this period of special potency, it would be wonderful to see the community achieve the financial goals set for these projects by the National Assembly for the year. Details on how to make a contribution are outlined below.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Darren Smith

Should any of the friends wish to contribute specifically towards these projects/funds, this can be done in the following ways:

1. Online

2. Cheques
These should be payable to: National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of the United Kingdom, and posted For the Attention of: The Office of the Treasurer, 27 Rutland Gate, London SW7 1PD

3. Regular payment
Please complete a standing order form and we will arrange with your bank for the regular amount to be taken from your account in accordance with your request.

Standing Order forms are available through the following channels:

  • Download from:
  • Emailing: [] or
  • Writing to the Office of the Treasurer requesting a copy of the form.

4. Bank transfer
Bank Name: Nat West
Sort Code: 60 04 04
Account No: 18188443
Account Name: NSA – Fund account.

If using this method, please use your surname as a reference in order for us to identify the payment. You should also send an email to with details of the amount, the project or fund being contributed to, the date transferred and the name of the contributor(s).

If you are a taxpayer, the National Spiritual Assembly can obtain a tax refund on your contribution/payment if you complete and return a Gift Aid form to our office. These forms can be downloaded through the web page: You can also email or write to the National Office requesting a copy of the form.

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