Category Archives: In Memoriam

UK Bahá’í News Update

9 April 2021
2 Jalál 178 B.E.

– National Online Memorial Meeting

– From the new compilation, The Universal House of Justice
– House of ‘Abbúd: Holy place restoration completed

National Online Memorial Meeting
Sunday 16 May, 7.30pm

A usual feature of National Convention is the reading of the Roll of Honour, remembering those believers from the United Kingdom, or others who had a close relationship with this community, who have passed away during the year.

In the absence of National Convention this year, the National Spiritual Assembly warmly invites all the friends to a National Online Memorial Meeting at which the Roll of Honour will be read and prayers will be said for the progress of their souls.

The meeting will take place on Zoom on Sunday, 16 May at 7.30pm.
The Zoom link will be:

Meeting ID: 923 4592 5184
Passcode: 459156

From the new compilation, The Universal House of Justice

The compilation is now available as a PDF here, and on the online Bahá’í Reference Library.  Printed editions will shortly be available for order from Bahá’í Books UK.

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