Category Archives: Institutional Meeting

Institutional Meeting 2015

National Spiritual Assembly

24 February 2015
18 Mulk 171 B.E.

To all believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

With a spirit of gladness and joy, over ninety believers gathered near Rugby a week ago at a UK institutional meeting, hosted by the National Spiritual Assembly, to reflect and consult on the progress of the Cause in these islands. The meeting was profoundly enriched and infused with the spirit of the Faith by the participation of two Counsellors from the International Teaching Centre, Mr. Andrej Donoval and Mrs. Alison Milston, as well as Counsellor Shirin Fozdar-Foroudi. Also present were members of the Auxiliary Board, Regional Bahá’í Councils, Training Institute Board, representatives from clusters that are striving to establish their first programme of growth, and many others serving in various capacities at the national, area, cluster and local levels.

Consultations focused principally on two areas: the ways and means by which the UK community can fulfil its goal of establishing programmes of growth in every one of its clusters before the end of the current Plan at Riḍván 2016, and the further intensification of efforts in those clusters that already have a programme of growth.

Encouragement was an abiding theme that suffused the consultations. Looking back on the community’s achievements to date, we can take heart from its ability to establish programmes of growth in dozens of clusters, and of the growing efficacy with which pioneers, visiting teams and institutional support are used to kindle the divine light in new areas and to fan sparks into flames. Work has now begun in virtually every cluster in the UK to establish a programme of growth—a situation that is in fact rare among the countries of the world. Some 20 pioneers have settled in goal clusters and numerous travelling teachers are visiting and supporting the work there. Moreover, with around 4,000 individuals in the UK having completed the first institute course, the community’s capacity to give expression to a life of worship is immense. Some 2,500 and 1,000 have completed the third and fifth courses respectively, thereby creating the opportunity for unprecedented numbers of children to partake of life-giving spiritual education, and of multitudes of junior youth to be spiritually empowered through the junior youth programme. And with close to 1,500 individuals having completed book 7, the “irrepressible movement” of the training institute is set to advance to new levels. Indeed, through this training, already some 600 core activities are being sustained in which some 3,000 souls are participating. Never before has the community been so well equipped to bring the healing message of Bahá’u’lláh to the peoples of this land and to invite ever-growing numbers into a collective effort to revivify society.

Much was shared, reflected upon and learnt during the institutional meeting. From this, it was clear that two particular capacities need to be further developed in every cluster. Firstly, the ability to touch hearts with the love of Bahá’u’lláh through a meaningful and distinctive conversation, such that souls are moved to join the institute process because of their desire to learn how to be of service to their communities. And then, when these souls are engaged in this training process, to accompany them to start their own core activity, whatever that may be. When these capacities emerge—the capacity to invite and accompany—then we can say that a nascent programme of growth has commenced in clusters yet to establish one, and in a cluster where one is already established the strengthening of these capacities will propel forward the processes of growth.

We are delighted to see the work continuing and developing in the UK’s remaining goal clusters. Some are now at the threshold of reaching the first milestone, many are well advanced, and nearly all have commenced this journey! Moreover, we are truly delighted to share with the community that North & East Yorkshire Cluster has now established a programme of growth, leaving 18 remaining clusters where the first milestone is to be past. The contribution that all the friends in that cluster have made, as well as the institutions which supported their efforts, are warmly acknowledged, and we wish them every blessing in their ongoing journey of building spiritually and materially prosperous communities.

Our fervent supplications are offered to the Blessed Perfection, that the devoted endeavours of each and every believer may be attended by the unfailing support of the Concourse on High.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

National Spiritual Assembly
of the Bahá’ís of the United Kingdom

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