Category Archives: National Convention

National Convention 175 B.E.


30 May 2018
13 ‘Aẓamat 175 BE


To all believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

The National Spiritual Assembly would like to share with you news of the National Convention, held last weekend, 26-28 May 2018, in Kenilworth, Warwickshire.

This year’s Convention was characterised by a great spirit of joy and purpose, with the highly focused consultation – lovingly guided by Counsellor Shirin Fozdar-Foroudi – exploring the essential and critical needs of the remaining years of the Five Year Plan. Delegates discussed how, of the 50 clusters in the United Kingdom, 41 will need to reach a level of intense activity such that it can truly be said that they have passed the second milestone. The intention, also, is that the number of clusters that pass the third milestone – which presently stands at two – will significantly increase. The National Assembly wishes to see this goal substantially achieved by the bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb, just six cycles from now.

It became clear to all present that the key tool in advancing all clusters – no matter what stage of their development – will be the further development of the institute process, and the emergence and strengthening of expanding nuclei of friends. These small groups of individuals strive to learn together, working, consulting and arranging activities.

The friends gathered were also uplifted and inspired to hear reflections on the moving events and historic significance of the recent Twelfth International Convention.

The election of the National Spiritual Assembly was carried out in an atmosphere of prayerful devotion. All of the 95 delegates voted; 94 were present at the Convention. The following friends were elected to the National Assembly:

Vivian Craig
Barney Leith
Fidelma Meehan
Wendi Momen
Patrick O’Mara
Vafa Ram
Darren Smith
Olinga Tahzib
Robert Weinberg

The National Assembly met to elect its officers for the coming year. They are:

Chair: Vivian Craig
Vice-Chair: Olinga Tahzib
Secretary: Patrick O’Mara
Treasurer: Darren Smith

All believers are encouraged to attend their delegate report-back meeting in the coming weeks, to receive a taste of the spirit of National Convention, as well as a special message that the National Assembly has asked the delegates to convey to the friends.

With warmest Bahá’í love,

Patrick O’Mara,

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