Category Archives: National Library

UK Bahá’í News Update

27 November 2020
7 Qawl 177 B.E.

– The National Bahá’í Archives and Library: Service opportunities
– New collection ‘Discerning Truth in Media’ published on Elevate
– Extract from the compilation on Social Action
– “Creating an Inclusive Narrative”: Australian publication points to shared identity

The National Bahá’í Archives and Library: Service opportunities

The National Bahá’í Archives and Library are described by Shoghi Effendi in God Passes By as two of the components of the Institution of the National Ḥazíratu’l-Quds, which is the National Bahá’í Centre at 27 Rutland Gate.  The National Assembly has been giving thought to these important functions and is seeking to engage two persons to take each of them forward to the next stage in their development.  A salary is offered for both of these roles.  As with all service to the Faith, there is also the opportunity to undertake either of them on a voluntary basis or part-voluntary basis.  Both positions will be primarily based at 27 Rutland Gate, London SW7 1PD as access to the materials on site would be essential.

Archives position

The United Kingdom Bahá’í community hosts a remarkable and extensive archival collection, including materials from the time of the Báb through to the present day.  Much work has been done in the past decade to preserve the collection for future centuries.  The volume of paper in the collection, however  is extensive and the next stage in preserving these materials and making them widely accessible is to catalogue and scan them.  An individual is being sought, initially for one year, full-time, to carry out the task of preparing the materials for scanning, which includes arranging the papers and describing and cataloguing them. 

The individual would have the following skills and attitudes:

  1. An awareness of the need for extreme care in the handling of archival papers;
  2. A willingness and ability to adhere to strict guidelines on the manner in which the work is carried out;
  3. An ability to read documents and describe their contents;
  4. Some knowledge of and interest in the history of the Faith in these islands;  
  5. Systematic, with an attention to detail;
  6. Ability to follow guidelines and to bring matters to a conclusion;
  7. Basic computer skills.

Library position

For the past few years, a project has been under way to sort, catalogue and shelve the extensive collection, which ranges from precious volumes signed by the Master and the Guardian to pamphlets and audio-visual materials. 

Cataloguing software is in place and an individual is now sought, initially for three months, full-time if possible, to carry out the task of sorting the remaining books into categories and sub-categories, data capturing the details of each book, and other essential tasks.

The individual should have the following skills:

  1. Systematic with an attention to detail;
  2. Familiarity with Bahá’í literature; 
  3. Ability to follow guidelines and to bring matters to a conclusion;
  4. Basic computer skills.

For these positions, please send your application, with a CV or description of relevant experience and capacities by email to the Office of the Secretary at, on or before 11 December 2020.

New collection ‘Discerning Truth in Media’ published on Elevate

A new collection of resources exploring ‘Discerning Truth in Media’, has just been published on the Elevate website and is available here.
Elevate is a platform of resources that support a growing movement to develop spiritual consciousness and the capacity to serve society.  Profound passages are curated to foster elevated conversations, encourage the exploration of timeless spiritual values and fundamental questions, while celebrating their intellectual and creative expression.

Extract from the compilation on Social Action

The important new compilation on Social Action, prepared by the Research Department at the request of the Universal House of Justice, is now available from Bahá’í Books UK in book form.  It can be purchased here at the cost of £6.  The compilation can also be read online here > 

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