Category Archives: Office of the Treasurer

Paul Booth Memorial Fund & deputisation

To assist those friends who require subsidy or additional assistance to be able to attend events – including summer schools and conferences – the Paul Booth Memorial Fund is available with a maximum claimable amount limit of £120 per adult and £50 per children. This amount should not exceed the total cost of attending the event. While anyone can avail themselves of the subsidy, claims are limited only once per person.

Friends are also welcome to contribute towards towards the Deputisation Fund, in order to assist those who require help to attend events. In its 1 March 2017 letter, the Universal House of Justice wrote:

Every choice a Baha’i makes—as employee or employer, producer or consumer, borrower or lender, benefactor or beneficiary—leaves a trace, and a moral duty to lead a coherent life demands that one’s economic decisions be in accordance with lofty ideals, that the purity of one’s aims be matched by the purity of one’s actions to fulfil those aims.
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