Category Archives: UK Period of Service

UK Period of Service programme

9 August 2016
10 Kamál 173 B.E.

Please see below a message from the UK Pioneering & Travel Teaching Committee for your kind attention.

Dear Friends,

The UK Pioneering and Travel Teaching Committee sends you its warmest greetings.

We are pleased to share with you details of a new UK Period of Service Programme which offers a structured environment for youth to undertake a period of service. Information about the Programme can be found using this link – UK Period of Service

Any youth who wishes to respond to the pioneering call of the House of Justice and offer a period of service in UK, can find more information about how to apply, what the service involves, and how they will be accompanied and supported on this path of service. There is also information for parents who play a key role in encouraging and supporting youth render this invaluable service.

It is our hope that large numbers of youth will arise and undertake a period of service during the current Plan. We stand ready to support you in this process and look forward to hearing from you!

With loving Baha’i greetings,

Anne Wong
UK Pioneering & Travel Teaching Committee

Email –

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