Category Archives: Overseas NSAs

Archival materials for Albania

28 November 2014
6 Qawl 171 B.E.

To all believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

We wish to share with you a request received from the National Spiritual Assembly of Albania, as it may be of relevance to a number of believers in the United Kingdom.

The National Assembly of Albania has little in the way of media archival materials, such as photographs and videos, connected with the development of the Faith in that country since 1991. Wishing to expand its archival resources, it therefore requests that those believers who had offered services in Albania from 1991 consider sharing any pictures or videos they might possess from their visits, particularly if these were in connection with any national events.

It would be helpful if such materials could be accompanied by as much information as possible with regard to the date, place and nature of the activity along with the names of those who appear in the photographs. Digital images would be preferable, but any printed materials would also be warmly welcomed.

If you are in a position to respond to this request, please communicate directly with the National Assembly of Albania at or by writing to:

Asambleja Shpirterore Kombetare e Baha’ive te Shqiperise
Rruga Dibres, 59
1010 Tirana

Any assistance you can offer in this regard would be deeply appreciated.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Department of the Secretariat
National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of the United Kingdom

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