Category Archives: Passing of distinguished believer

UK Bahá’í News Update

8 March 2022
7 ‘Alá’ 178 B.E.

– Opportunities to serve at the Bahá’í World Centre
– BASED-UK Fundraising Network Coordinator

– Communication with the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Ukraine
– Memorial at the Mother Temple of Europe in honour of Dr. Shapour Rassekh
– BIC: Re-envisioning the future of work

Opportunities to serve at the Bahá’í World Centre

As the vital work of the Cause unfolds in every part of the world, the effective functioning of the Bahá’í World Centre takes on added significance. The World Centre of the Faith – described by Shoghi Effendi as the “pivot of the agencies of the New World Order” – is supported by a flow of believers from a diversity of countries and occupations who arise selflessly to offer a period of service, of varying length, in the Holy Land. The staffing needs at the World Centre are continually changing in light of the evolving demands and available resources. At any given time, there are roles to be filled which require particular competencies or specialized training, and others that simply require a readiness to learn about one’s specific assignment. Due to the nature of service at the World Centre, the essential requirements include an ability to offer 12 months or more and a basic proficiency in English.

At this time, we would like to draw your attention to a particular need at the World Centre for professionals with skills or training in a variety of Information Technology (IT) related fields. Friends with relevant knowledge or experience in Computer Science, Systems & Network Administration, Software Engineering, Cybersecurity, and IT Solution Architecture are needed to support all aspects of the development, design, maintenance, upgrade and operational efficiency of the IT systems and networks at the World Centre. Individuals with experience in software, web and application development and testing, cloud infrastructure, IT analysis or project management are particularly needed at this time.

Anyone interested in learning more about the possibility of offering a period of service at the World Centre is encouraged to contact the Office of Personnel at Offers of service can also be submitted directly at a new website >.

BASED-UK Fundraising Network Coordinator

BASED-UK is a registered charity established by the National Spiritual Assembly in 1993 with its charitable objects being the ‘Relief of poverty and the advancement of education’.  It is seeking to intensify its fundraising efforts by engaging a Fundraising Network Coordinator who can work independently and together with a network of volunteers to advance this objective.  The aim will be to raise up and accompany a network of volunteers who are learning together to reach out to, and build relationships with, potential donors such as individuals, businesses, corporations, charitable trusts, philanthropic organisations, government etc.  More information and how to apply, here > 

Communication with the National Spiritual Assembly
of the Bahá’ís of Ukraine

In recent days the National Spiritual Assembly wrote to its sister Assembly in Ukraine sharing that prayers are being offered in gatherings throughout the UK, beseeching Bahá’u’lláh to protect all people in Ukraine, and for an end to the terrible suffering of their country.  The letter spoke of how the situation has stirred the Bahá’ís to engage in many more conversations to bring the healing message of Bahá’u’lláh to all who cross their path, inviting them to join in the community’s efforts to transform society.  It finished with the thought that our hearts, our thoughts, our love and our prayers are with them.  Almost immediately a beautiful thoughtful response was received:

The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Ukraine conveys to you loving greetings and sincerely thank you for your prayer support for Bahá’ís of our community and all our compatriots who in this difficult time during the war in Ukraine are making efforts for supporting each other, praying for peace and safety in our beloved country and around in the world. 
With love and prayers,
The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Ukraine

Memorial at the Mother Temple of Europe in honour of
Dr. Shapour Rassekh

In its message of 9 December 2021 on the passing of dearly loved Dr. Shapour Rassekh, the Universal House of Justice requested the National Spiritual Assembly of Germany to arrange a befitting memorial service at the Mother Temple of Europe. The service will be live-streamed on Saturday 26 March 2022 at 1600hrs (Central European Time). The devotional program will be accessible through the YouTube channel of the German Bahá’í community

BIC: Re-envisioning the future of work >

/The unprecedented challenges posed by the pandemic have led many people throughout the world to reflect deeply on how they live and work.

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