Category Archives: Tablets of the Divine Plan

9th Tablet of the Divine Plan

National Spiritual Assembly

27 January 2017
10 Sulṭán 173 B.E.

To all believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

Between March and April 2016, specially produced copies of the first eight of the fourteen Tablets of the Divine Plan were shared with the community via email, each on the eve of the hundredth anniversary of its composition by the beloved Master. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá penned the remaining six Tablets between 2 February and 8 March 1917, and it thus gives the National Spiritual Assembly great pleasure to continue sharing this extraordinary series of letters with the community. Please find enclosed a copy of the ninth Tablet – the next in the series – which was revealed one hundred years ago on 2 February 1917. It was written at the House of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in Haifa, and addressed to the Bahá’ís of the Northeastern States of the United States.

If any of the friends did not receive the specially produced copies of the first eight Tablets and would like to acquire them, please write to

The Tablets of the Divine Plan constitute nothing less than a “charter for the teaching work” and, as indicated by the Universal House of Justice in its message of 26 March 2016, outline the “spiritual concepts and practical strategies” necessary to achieve the “responsibilities entrusted by Bahá’u’lláh to His loved ones”. In that same message, a copy of which is enclosed, the House of Justice imparted further insight into the awesome significance of the Tablets, stating:

The Divine Plan, that sublime series of letters addressed by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá to the Bahá’ís of North America between 26 March 1916 and 8 March 1917, constitutes one of the mighty Charters of His Father’s Faith. Set forth in those fourteen Tablets, Shoghi Effendi explains, is “the mightiest Plan ever generated through the creative power of the Most Great Name.” It is “impelled by forces beyond our power to predict or appraise” and “claims as the theatre for its operation territories spread over five continents and the islands of the seven seas.” Within it are held “the seeds of the world’s spiritual revival and ultimate redemption.”

The National Assembly cherishes the hope that, as the friends imbibe the spirit of the summons raised in these Tablets, and as they reflect upon the “guiding principles” and “unchanging spiritual requisites” set forth therein, they may be inspired and strengthened in their efforts to serve humanity.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Patrick O’Mara,

Click here to download the 9th Tablet of the Divine Plan

Click here to download the letter of the Universal House of Justice about the Tablets of the Divine Plan

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