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National Fund Update

20 November 2020
19 Qudrat 177 B.E.

– National Fund update
– Extract from the compilation on Social Action
– UN resolution condemns human rights violations in Iran

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To all believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

Over the course of this year, believers from around the United Kingdom have participated in a series of Fund Gatherings, hosted by the National Spiritual Assembly.  It was truly wonderful to see so many friends availing themselves of the opportunity to reflect upon the needs of the Fund.  As the Universal House of Justice reminds us:

…there is… a worldwide need for appreciation of this basic principle of our Faith: that contributing to the Fund should constitute an integral part of the spiritual life of every Bahá’í and be regarded as the fulfilment of a fundamental spiritual obligation

.To the followers of Bahá’u’lláh in every land, 18 November 1991

 During the Fund Gathering, the typical annual contributions and expenditure to the National Fund was shared.  While this has remained largely the same for the past three years, it was felt that it may be helpful for the friends to see how the annual expenditure is allocated:

The marvellous response to the National Assembly’s call to the friends to “contribute freely and generously” to the National Fund, shows the capacity of a community to arise to a challenge when called upon.  Now, with only a few months left before the end of the Five Year Plan, you will no doubt wish to reflect upon how you can play your part in universal participation and give sacrificially to the Fund.  The beloved Guardian reminds us:

Nothing short of a continuous flow of contributions to that [National] fund can, indeed, ensure the financial stability upon which so much of the progress of the institutions of the Faith must now inevitably depend.

To the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States and Canada, 29 July 1935

 As so many participants who attended the Fund Gatherings wished to share the quotations used at their Nineteen Day Feasts or in local community gatherings, the materials have now been uploaded onto the UK Bahá’í Resources website here >

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Darren Smith,

Extract from the compilation on Social Action

The important new compilation on Social Action, prepared by the Research Department at the request of the Universal House of Justice, is now available from Bahá’í Books UK in book form.  It can be purchased here at the cost of £6.  The compilation can also be read online here > 

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