Tag Archives: annual report

Annual Report for 2104 of the National Spiritual Assembly

National Spiritual Assembly

16 April 2014
8 Jalál 171 B.E.

To all Bahá’ís in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

The National Spiritual Assembly is pleased to share with you a copy of its Annual Report for the year 2013-14.

The Annual Report reviews the achievements and learning of the Bahá’í Community of the United Kingdom during the last year. The following are the main contents:

1. Expansion and consolidation

A. Introduction – advancing the process of entry by troops
B. Emerging programmes of growth
C. Increasing intensity
D. Reading our reality
E. Schools
F. The educational process
G. Youth
H. Enhancing institutional capacity to support the movement of clusters
I. Statistics
J. Society-building power of the Faith
K. Bahai university societies

2. Diplomatic relations

A. Introduction
B. Relations with Government
C. Relations with civil society organisations
D. Contributing to public policy
E. Defence work
F. Capacity building and further areas of learning

3. Participation in the discourses of society on the national stage

A. Introduction
B. Learning to participate in national level discourses of society
C. Gender equality and the role of religion in society discourses
D. Interfaith
E. Religious education
F. Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity

4. Financial report

A. National fund
B. Deputisation funds
C. Guardian’s Resting Place fund
D. Guardian’s Resting Place endowment fund
E. Capital projects fund
F. The international collaboration fund
G. International funds
H. The year ahead
I. Challenges

5. Other matters

A. Guardian’s Resting Place
B. UKBahá’í magazine
C. Bahá’í Society for Persian Arts and Letters, Executive Committee
D. Pastoral care & Chaplaincy
E. History and Archives
F. Literature distribution
G. Bahá’í properties
H. Bahá’í population statistics

6. Concluding remarks

The National Assembly hopes that a reading of this report will be informative, encouraging and inspiring to all who are labouring throughout the United Kingdom with such love and diligence in the path of service to Bahá’u’lláh.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

National Spiritual Assembly

Patrick O’Mara,

Click here to download the Annual Report

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