Tag Archives: arts

Arts at NI Summer School

Bahá’í Council for Northern Ireland
Residential School Committee


“This was my second N. Ireland School and I am delighted with it… The attendees old and young mix together and all the volunteer helpers are wonderful too.” “The programme is full but not too rushed and there is a good balance of activities to choose from.” (Comments from 2012 school feedback)

The arts – a term defined quite widely – are a feature of Northern Ireland Summer School. They make a break from study and allow people to find different ways of learning and expression. This year we shall be having, in addition to the much-appreciated evening devotionals, four arts courses:

  • Choral music (working together to present a special musical devotional at the end of the School)
  • Yoga and relaxation
  • Encaustic wax art
  • Jewellery and ornament crafts

On the first evening of the School (orientation session) the friends will hear not just from the course facilitators about what the week holds but also the arts tutors. This will help people decide where their interests lie and commit to a week of enjoyable learning and learning enjoyment.

General information about the School, booking forms etc are on the website at www.summerschool-ni.org.uk or  e-mail info@summerschool-ni.org.uk

Follow us on Facebook  https://www.facebook.com/pages/Bah%C3%A1%C3%AD-Summer-School-Northern-Ireland/309828789055843

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