Tag Archives: Baha’i Histories

UK Bahá’í Histories

To all believers in the United Kingdom

3 February 2014
16 Sultan 170 B.E.

Dearly loved Friends,

Please see below a message regarding the UK Bahá’í Histories Project.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Department of the Secretariat
National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of the United Kingdom

UK Bahá’í Histories Project

Have you thought about writing your story for the UK Archives? THE UK BAHÁ’Í HISTORIES PROJECT is endeavouring to collect as many ‘stories’ as possible of how UK believers have become Bahá’ís.

The aim of this exciting project is to raise awareness of our unique heritage and ‘unfolding destiny’, to preserve the history of the Faith in these islands for future research, and to give readers, now and in the future, a historical perspective to aid their understanding of current trends and events.

Since its launch two years ago, some 150 stories have been published on the UK Bahá’í Histories website. Friends from all around the world enjoy reading the stories on this site – wonderful stories that tell of the excitement of becoming a Bahá’í, stories that record precious moments with some of the Hands of the Cause, stories of connections with Bahá’í friends around the world, of unique turning points in life, involvement in various plans and of experiences of the wider Bahá’í community.

If you have something to add to one of the stories, or would like to provide feedback or comments on a specific story, you can do this by clicking on the story’s title, and then clicking on ‘Leave a comment’. All relevant comments will be approved and added to the page, and a copy will be forwarded to the story’s author.

Please don’t delay in writing your own personal story of your journey to faith. Whether you were born into a Bahá’í family in the UK, moved here from abroad, or found the Faith and declared in the UK, your story is interesting to others, and a valuable part of our national Bahá’í history. Especially welcome are stories from new Bahá’ís and young (in age) Bahá’ís.

To send in your story, or for further guidance as to how to go about it, please contact Jenny Lockwood on 01242 676597, or email: bhp1uk@gmail.com

You can also follow us on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/BahaiHistoryUK or follow us on Twitter: @bahaihistoryuk

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