Tag Archives: Bahai World Centre

Bahá’í World Centre staffing needs

13 March 2017
13 ‘Alá’ 173 B.E.

Please see attached and below a message from the Bahá’í World Centre for your kind attention.


There is nothing that brings success in the Faith like service. Service is the magnet which draws the divine confirmations. Thus, when a person is active, they are blessed by the Holy Spirit…
– Shoghi Effendi

There is an ongoing need at the Bahá’í World Centre for individuals with experience, relevant training, and enthusiasm to fill a range of positions. In this connection, there is an immediate and urgent need to fill a number of office positions which are vital to the effectiveness of the work undertaken at the World Centre.

Those with skills, experience and aptitudes from among the following are sought for a variety of roles in different departments.

  • General English writing skills (a few positions also require Persian, Arabic, French, or Spanish);
  • Information gathering and analysis;
  • Office management skills (e.g. scheduling, filing, note-taking, basic accounting, etc.);
  • Comfort using common computer software in an office environment.

Certain roles also benefit from someone with specific skills or experience in a specialized field such as finance, insurance, law, human resources, property/facility management, and/or project management. Experience acquired while serving in a coordination or administrative capacity within a cluster or locality is also beneficial.

If you are able to offer service for a period of 12 months or more, you are encouraged to submit an offer of service by completing the online Biographical Information form (available on the Offering to Serve website: https://bahai.bwc.org/service/). You may also contact the Office of Personnel at serve@bwc.org, including for more information prior to making an offer of service.

Of course, it is assumed that when someone offers to serve at the World Centre he or she will be open to serving in whatever capacity they may be called upon by the Universal House of

If only the friends could realize it, the glory of our Faith is not that people with unique abilities do the work of the Cause, but that it is done by the sacrifice of loving and devoted souls who arise selflessly to undertake work they feel themselves incompetent, sometimes, to achieve. God works through them and endows them with gifts they did not dream they could ever possess.
– Shoghi Effendi

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