Tag Archives: BIC

UK Bahá’í News Update

22 September 2020
16 ‘Izzat 177 B.E.


  • 75th anniversary of the United Nations marked with new Bahá’í International Community statement
  • Association for Bahá’í Studies UK launches new website
  • Bahá’í Books UK: Persian writings and book of prayers

75th anniversary of the United Nations marked with new Bahá’í International Community statement

As the United Nations marks its 75th anniversary, the Bahá’í International Community (BIC) has released a statement, titled A Governance Befitting.  

The statement highlights the need for systems of global cooperation to be strengthened if humanity is to address the serious challenges of our time and seize the immense opportunities of the coming years for progress.  It also explores elements necessary for a movement toward enduring, universal peace. 

The statement can be read online here >

Read the Bahá’í World News Service story about the statement here >

Association for Bahá’í Studies UK launches new website

The Association for Bahá’í Studies UK has launched a new website.  It is hoped that the website will be a useful portal for information, resources, news, and to connect more individuals with the work of the ABS, particularly through special interest groups that are correlating Bahá’í teachings to discourses in society.

The website can be found at www.abs.bahai.org.uk.  The ABS Executive Committee can be contacted via the website or by email at abs@bahai.org.uk.

Bahá’í Books UK

Persian Selection of Bahá’í Writings 

A new, Persian-language booklet is available for presentation to friends of the Faith and newly-enrolled believers.  It contains a selection of prayers and Writings, including The Hidden Words.   Subsidised fully by the National Spiritual Assembly, the booklet is available free of charge in the UK to Persian tutors and those working with the Persian community.  Order copies here >
Prayer Book
Mini prayer booklet with 10 different prayers for different occasions with a short introduction about the Faith. Free of charge for UK customers. Order copies here >

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