Tag Archives: BIC

UK Bahá’í News Update

15 November 2019
12 Qudrat 176 B.E.

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  • UN to Iran: End human rights violations against Bahá’ís
  • Bahá’í Society for Persian Arts and Letters Annual Conference
  • The Justice Conference: Call for presentations
  • Chile House of Worship receives prestigious international prize
  • At BIC, bicentenary celebrations explore peace, oneness of humanity

UN to Iran: End human rights violations against Bahá’ís

Iran has once again been condemned by the international community for its ongoing human rights violations.  A United Nations General Assembly committee has expressed its serious concern about the country’s continued attacks against religious minorities, including the Bahá’ís.  Read more, here >

Bahá’í Society for Persian Arts and Letters Annual Conference

This year’s Annual Conference of the Bahá’í Society for Persian Arts and Letters will take place on 26-30 December at the Hilton Hotel Terminal 5, Heathrow. Titled Dawn of Hope, the Conference is dedicated to the Bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb. As part of the ongoing celebrations for this extraordinary year, historians, architects, literary figures, artists and experts from different parts of the world will be gathering together to contribute to a varied and interesting programme.

For further information and to make your bookings please visit the website >

The Justice Conference is a Bahá’í-inspired forum for the exploration of international law, global governance, justice and ethics.  Next year’s conference will take place at the DePoort Conference Centre, Netherlands, from 10-13 April 2020.  Presentation and workshop proposals are being invited relating to the theme, Protagonists of Systemic Change: Shifting Awareness with Action, Reflection & Consultation.  Further information here >

Chile House of Worship receives prestigious international prize

The Bahá’í House of Worship for South America has been awarded $100,000 by the prestigious Royal Architectural Institute of Canada.

Read more here >

At BIC, bicentenary celebrations explore peace, oneness of humanity

Bahá’í International Community offices brought together dignitaries and leaders of international organizations for celebrations of the historic 200th anniversary of the birth of the Báb.  The gatherings, held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and in New York City, explored the relevance of the Báb and Bahá’u’lláh’s Teachings to the conditions of the world today.

Read more, here >

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