Tag Archives: bicentenaries

Post-Bicentenary activities

National Spiritual Assembly

18 October 2017
4 ‘Ilm 174 B.E.

To all believers, Local Spiritual Assemblies and Groups in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

In just a few days’ time, celebratory events for the bicentenary of the Birth of Bahá’u’lláh and the anniversary of the Birth of the Báb will take place across the country. How thrilling it is to know that all our activities, great or small, are part of one global enterprise to honour the Twin Manifestations of God. As you finalise your plans, you will surely wish to have in place lines of action to ensure that the fruits of the bicentenary activities are built upon in the days, weeks and months ahead. Some questions that may help in this respect, include:

  • Do you have a means of capturing the names and contact details of those who attend events and may wish to further their interest in the Faith?
  • How can the conversations about Bahá’u’lláh be immediately continued? Do you have firesides, home visits, study circles and devotionals already lined up?
  • How can the many bicentenary resources, including films, be put to further use?
  • If you are serving on a Local Spiritual Assembly, in a Group or neighbourhood teaching team, are you planning to consult soon on how to harvest the fruits of your recent efforts?

With respect to the film, Light to the World, please note that it becomes available for download online from today at https://bicentenary.bahai.org/. Also on the same site, from 0400hrs GMT on Friday 20 October, photos and stories of activities from around the world will be posted continually throughout the entire weekend.

The National Assembly would love to hear news of your teaching endeavours, as well as reports and photographs of your bicentenary activities. You will no doubt want to share these also with your Regional Bahá’í Council and Auxiliary Board members.

May the presence of Bahá’u’lláh and the Báb be felt by all who are touched by your efforts in the coming days.

With warmest Bahá’í love,

Patrick O’Mara,

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