Tag Archives: bicentenaries

‘Dawn of the Light’ – bicentenary film

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To all believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

The film Dawn of the Light – commissioned by the Universal House of Justice to mark the bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb – will become available before the end of September.  The National Assembly has been pleased to learn of the large number of friends and communities who are planning to share the film in a wide range of settings, from home visits to public cinemas.

The completed film – including subtitled and voice-over versions in languages other than English, including Persian and Arabic – will be made available to view and/or download from the Bahai.org website.

As downloading the film may not be possible or easy for everyone, arrangements are being made for the film to be made available on DVD or a flash drive, on request.  Kindly let the National Assembly know as soon as possible, at nsa@bahai.org.uk, if you require the film on either or both formats.

If you are renting a cinema to show the film, you will probably need to enquire from the venue if a DVD, or a downloaded version on a laptop, would be acceptable for screening.  If cinemas require other formats – such as DCP [Digital Cinema Package] or Blu-Ray disc – do let the National Assembly know.  As some cinemas may also ask whether you have a license to show the film, the National Assembly will issue further guidance on this in due course.

We hope this information is useful as you make your plans for the coming celebrations and beyond.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Patrick O’Mara,

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