Tag Archives: bicentenaries

UK Bahá’í news update


  • Exhibition at the British Museum
  • Media and Discourses Aide to the Office of Public Affairs
  • Secretariat Aide position in Northern Ireland

Exhibition at the British Museum – Final weeks

Friends who have as yet been unable to visit the British Museum to view the display of precious archival items associated with the Personage of Bahá’u’lláh will be pleased to know that the exhibit will remain open until, and including, Sunday 4 February 2018. Once the exhibit closes, permission has graciously been granted by the Universal House of Justice for those items loaned from the International Bahá’í Archives to be displayed, for a limited time, at the National Hazíratu’l-Quds. An announcement about the dates for this special experience will be made shortly.

Media and Discourses Aide to the Office of Public Affairs

The National Spiritual Assembly is pleased to invite applications for the role of Media and Discourses Aide to the Office of Public Affairs, based at 27 Rutland Gate. The Aide helps in the development and implementation of strategies with regard to participation in the discourses of society, and the building of relationships with the media. Click here for more details: https://resources.bahai.org.uk/welcome/2018/01/opa-aide/

Secretariat Aide position in Northern Ireland

The Regional Bahá’í Council for Northern Ireland is seeking an Aide to assist the Council Secretary in carrying out an array of duties, including putting into place efficient systems and mechanisms to ensure the flow of funds, information, learning, and human resources. For further details about this position and how to apply, click here: https://resources.bahai.org.uk/welcome/2018/01/bcni-secretariat-aide/

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