Tag Archives: bicentenary

Message from the National Spiritual Assembly

6 November 2019
3 Qudrat 176 B.E.

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To all believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

The Bahá’í community of the United Kingdom has just passed through an extraordinary period in its history and development.  Along with our friends throughout the world, we joined with one another to celebrate the bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb and the Birth of Bahá’u’lláh, receiving “a glimpse into a humanity that is rarely, if ever, so profoundly depicted in its oneness.  Neither borders, nor conflicts between nations, nor prejudices of class, race, religion, or culture, were able in the least to obscure the reality that all humanity is one.” [1]

The reports that have been flowing in during recent days describe an outward-looking community, open to all.  To date, nearly 5,000 friends of the Faith in the UK – many more than the number of Bahá’ís participating – are known to have taken part in activities, ranging from those attended by a handful of souls to those in which hundreds played a part.  The film Dawn of the Light and the message of the Universal House of Justice of October 2019 were at the heart of many of such meetings, stimulating conversations about the Teachings of Bahá’u’lláh and the profound influence they are having on society.

What is noteworthy from the reports is that many individuals, communities and institutions have been giving thought to building upon the relationships that have been deepened and the new friendships made.  Acknowledging that every individual has different needs and interests, some are making lists of those who were touched by the celebrations and giving thought to how each person’s interest in the Faith and its activities might be nurtured further.  They are considering the best ways to move forward – perhaps a visit to the friend’s home, an introduction to the institute courses, a meeting in a coffee shop, a further conversation at work, an invitation to a devotional or a fireside, or a further viewing of Dawn of the Light or Light to the World.  In making such a plan, it can be helpful to turn to, and reflect with, an Auxiliary Board member or assistant, a local Assembly, or a friend.

The National Assembly is heartened by this, as it is a response to the guidance of the Universal House of Justice immediately after the bicentenary two years ago, to “see in each person who responded to your invitation a potential protagonist in the community-building process” [2] and to:

Consider how conditions may be created that would enable many to walk this path together. Connected to the transformative power of the Revelation, every soul can draw closer to Bahá’u’lláh, grow in capacity, find joy in service, and learn to assist others. The results of the magnificent effort you have made offer tremendous promise—but fulfilling that promise will require fortitude. [3]

Dearly loved Friends, how we now respond to the receptivity to the Message of Bahá’u’lláh that has been found will determine, to a large extent, how the Cause will advance in each cluster in these final six cycles of the Five Year Plan.  It is the ardent prayer of the National Spiritual Assembly that Bahá’u’lláh will bountifully bestow confirmations on every effort made.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Patrick O’Mara,

To the Bahá’ís of the World, 31 October 2017
3 ibid.

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