Tag Archives: Centre for Baha’i Studies

Study Course at the Centre for Bahá’í Studies in Acuto, August 2016

30 June 2016
8 Raḥmat 173 B.E.

Please see below a reminder concerning the study course entitled The Ministry of the Báb being held this summer in Acuto, Italy.

Dear Friends,

In two months’ time, the Centre for Bahá’í Studies in Acuto, Italy, will be hosting a deepening course on the Ministry of the Báb.

This course will be based on the first five chapters of God Passes By, demonstrating the high drama and heroism of the Báb and His Disciples. This will be further related to extracts from Selections of the Writings of the Báb, and other passages from Shoghi Effendi’s Dispensation of Bahá’u’lláh. It intends to provide an overview of the first six majestic years of the Dispensation of the Báb and their importance in the ‘Day of God’.

The workshops will review this material and discuss additional stories drawn from the period, with the aim of inspiring heroic acts in the prosecution and execution of the Divine Plan.

So far there have been relatively few registrants, so there are many spots still available. We would encourage the friends who have still not planned their summers (August 8th to August 14th), to consider attending this course. If there are enough families with children, children’s classes will be run for part of the day to enable parents to participate in the plenary sessions. Please note that families of 3 or more people are also entitled to a 10% discount.

The below passages from letters written on behalf of the Guardian put the study of this topic into perspective:

He feels that you will benefit greatly by the history of the Cause as outlined in ‘God Passes By’, and he hopes you will master the subjects and facts it contains and help to bring them to the attention of the Bahá’ís, as there is a need in the Cause to see our Holy Faith in its proper perspective, and he feels you can be of great help in this connection.
(August 1944, to an individual believer)

He is pleased to hear that the friends are intensively studying ‘God Passes By’, as it is most essential for them to gain not only a fuller knowledge of their Faith’s history but also to see how persistently it has been attacked by enemies who once held high positions in its ranks. Indeed he hopes a perusal of this book will help not only friends and observers of the Cause to see Ahmad Sohrab in his proper colours, but also believers who are not familiar with the defections of those who were far more highly placed and who turned against the Faith in the days of Bahá’u’lláh and the Master.
(16 October 1944, to participants at Louhelen Summer School, August 1944)

The Guardian feels that a sound knowledge of history, including religious history, and also of social and economic subjects, is of great help in teaching the Cause to intelligent people; as to what subjects within the Faith you should concentrate on he feels that the young Bahá’ís should gain a mastery of such books as the ‘Gleanings’, ‘The Dawn-Breakers’, ‘God Passes By’, the ‘Iqan’, ‘Some Answered Questions’ and the more important Tablets. All aspects of the Faith should be deeply studied – and in England they need to know more about the Administration.
(4 May 1946, to an individual believer)

To register, and for more information, please visit http://centreforbahaistudies.com/?event=the-ministry-of-the-bab&event_date=2016-08-08

We look forward to welcoming you soon!

With loving Bahá’í greetings,
The Task Force

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