Tag Archives: dates

Dates of Unit Convention 2016

National Spiritual Assembly

21 January 2016
3 Sulṭán 172 B.E.

All believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

In recent weeks, it was announced that the next set of Unit Conventions would be held on the weekend of 10 11 December 2016, but it has since come to light that the Feast of Masá’il (Questions) will fall on that weekend. Thus, the National Assembly has decided that the dates of Unit Convention 2016 will be changed to the weekend of 3-4 December so as not to overlap with the celebration of the Nineteen Day Feast. We hope this change is notified to you early enough so as not to cause you too much inconvenience.

Institutions and individuals are kindly requested not to plan any Bahá’í activities during the weekend of 3-4 December, until the specific date of the Unit Convention in your area has been selected closer to the time. This will facilitate as many friends as possible having the bounty of participating in this event which, as you are aware, holds great importance in the rhythm of Bahá’í community life.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

National Spiritual Assembly

Patrick O’Mara,

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