Tag Archives: England

Institute Campaigns – England – Winter 2018

To all believers in England

Dearly loved friends,

Please see below a message from the Training institute board for England.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,
Bahá’í Council for England

Dearest Friends,

Establishing a regular rhythm of youth gatherings and institute campaigns

The gatherings and campaigns—which may initially be held at the cluster or even regional level and later in neighbourhoods and villages—become more effective and sustainable if synchronized with the local patterns of life . . . In some clusters that are advancing the frontiers of learning, the institute campaigns occur during longer school and university holidays . . .” (3 May 2018, letter of the International Teaching Centre to all Continental Counsellors)

The Training Institute Board is delighted to announce that it is supporting a regular rhythm of institute campaigns to be established across England. The plan is to offer training every school/university holiday throughout the year, in both the north and the south of England. It is envisioned that this will enable the friends to advance along the sequence of courses – whether you are a youth graduating from the junior youth programme, or you wish to advance through the main sequence or the higher books, or wish to refresh and start a core activity or participate in a teaching campaign. This is open to all ages from 15 upwards.

For this winter, the following training is being offered:

Manchester – 27 December to 3 January
Books offered: 1,2,4,5,6,8
Residential training will be held at the Britannia Airport Hotel, Manchester

London – 1 to 6 January
Books offered: 1,2,8
Training will be held at the National Centre in London, and no accommodation is offered.

Registration will open shortly.

Further Training 2019
Dates will be confirmed later for London and Manchester Institute camps for a week at Easter, the first two weeks of the school holidays in July, and a week in October half term 2019.

Much love,

Training institute board for England

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