Tag Archives: Five Year Plan

Message from the National Spiritual Assembly

11 March 2020
11 ‘Alá’ 176 B.E.

The following letter from the National Spiritual Assembly, addressed to all believers and Bahá’í institutions, concerns the current health situation.  The National Assembly has asked that this letter is circulated and read widely.  Kindly consider how it can be shared with every believer and reflected upon in every space.  Thought should also be given to our response – individually and collectively – in light of the guidance offered.  

Download as PDF

To all believers and Bahá’í institutions in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved friends,

The world is faced with a very challenging situation at the present time which is likely to impact most of humanity.  Already fear and worry is permeating society as COVID-19 (a coronavirus) spreads.  As a Bahá’í community we can do much to join with others in creating a sense of community and hope within our neighbourhoods, our workplaces and all those with whom we come in contact.

Of course there is a very real health concern and we should take steps within our families, communities and other spaces to follow good practice to ensure that the virus is kept under control.  The National Spiritual Assembly is following the Government’s recommendations carefully (see links below) and, as the situation unfolds, will take the necessary decisions regarding events such as National Convention, conferences, intensive training, or other gatherings that are organised under the auspices of the Bahá’í community.  However, most of our activities are locally based and do not involve large numbers of people.  If it is felt appropriate by the Local Assembly and community in light of local circumstances, these may continue, naturally being protective of those who are most vulnerable in our communities.

Imbued with prayer and the Writings of the Central Figures, our community is one of joy and hope.  News has reached us from those countries that are presently most affected by the situation that there are increasing opportunities for profound conversations on themes such as the nature of human reality, the unity of mankind, the type of community we wish to live in, the individual’s responsibility to the collective good, obedience to our government, trials and difficulties as a means of growth, and the power of prayer and Divine Assistance.  Challenging times such as these open a soul’s receptivity to the Manifestation of God for today.  Spirits are raised and hope is born when we speak of Bahá’u’lláh and His life, and share His vision of a spiritually united, joyous and prosperous world, and of the means by which all can join in building it.

For many it is already a time of isolation as people grow concerned for their health and the health of others and stay at home.  It is expected that many more individuals will find themselves in this situation in the days to come.  Can we be conscious of such people within our surroundings and find resourceful ways of being there for them?  Families and friends, including youth and children, will be together and will have time.  How can this opportunity be used to pray together and to have deep conversations, drawing on some of the themes in the institute courses, or in the letters of the Guardian and the Universal House of Justice?  How can we use technology to keep in touch with each other, and especially with those around us who are alone?

Bahá’u’lláh urged us to be “an answerer of the cry of the needy”, “a joy to the sorrowful”, “a haven for the distressed”, “a breath of life to the body of mankind” and “a dew to the soil of the human heart.”  It was these qualities that the Master exemplified when He visited the homes of those in need in ‘Akká.  There are many within our society who are serving their communities sacrificially at this time, and many more will join them in the anxious days to come.  Serving shoulder to shoulder with them, and drawing on the capacities you have developed through recent Plans of the Universal House of Justice, you will no doubt find creative ways to bring comfort, hope and joy to friends, colleagues and neighbours.  As a community we will continue to be undeviating in our focus on achieving the goals of the current Five Year Plan, for ultimately it is through our systematic efforts to bring the message of Bahá’u’lláh to humanity that the many challenges that mankind will continue to encounter will be resolved.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Patrick O’Mara,

Some useful weblinks
Government response
What you need to know

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