Tag Archives: Five Years Too Many

Five Years Too Many: access to justice in Iran

National Spiritual Assembly

13 May 2013
16 Jalál 170 B.E.

Dearly loved Friends,

On 9 May 2013, the Law Society of England and Wales co-hosted an event with the Bar Human Rights Committee on access to justice in Iran, which specifically focussed on the case of the former members of the Yaran, the fifth anniversary of whose incarceration falls on 14 May. They are currently serving 20 year prison sentences under baseless charges, and were convicted in trial proceedings that broke numerous international and Iranian laws.

A full report of the event is available on the UK Baha’i News Website and on the Five Years Too Many blog.

Earlier this week, 18 of the UK’s most prominent lawyers signed a letter calling on the release of the seven Baha’is. Their letter is available to view online in the Telegraph’s letters pages, 8 May 2013:

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Dr Kishan Manocha, Secretary of External Affairs, National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of the United Kingdom
27 Rutland Gate, London SW7 1PD, UK
Tel: 020-7584 2566
Fax: 020-7584 9402

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