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From the Table of the National Spiritual Assembly

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  • Collaboration with the Institution of the Counsellors
  • Seminar for Local Spiritual Assemblies
  • Bahá’í properties
  • Other topics

Dearly loved Friends,

The National Spiritual Assembly wishes you a joyous and blessed month of Fasting.  Here, for your interest, are some of the subjects about which the National Assembly consulted during its most recent meeting:

Collaboration with the Institution of the Counsellors 

On a quarterly basis the National Spiritual Assembly spends an entire weekend in consultation with Counsellor Shirin Fozdar-Foroudi reflecting on the progress of the Five Year Plan and the spiritual health of the community. While the next meeting is scheduled for the end of March, the National Assembly also takes the opportunity, where possible, to consult with the Counsellor at other meetings and between meetings on topics as they arise. In addition, there is a constant flow of information between the two institutions, sharing news, reports and minutes. For all major decisions the Assembly takes, it would be inconceivable to proceed without consultation with the Institution of the Counsellors. Thus, for example, major topics are sometimes deferred until the Counsellor is available, or a decision is made tentatively, pending the input of the Counsellor on the subject.

The National Spiritual Assembly sees this level of collaboration with the Institution of the Counsellors, which includes the Auxiliary Board members and their assistants, as an integral, essential and necessary mode of functioning for any Spiritual Assembly.

Seminar for Local Spiritual Assemblies 

For the first time, the National Assembly brought together a number of Local Spiritual Assemblies – within whose area of jurisdiction particular progress is being made in the development of community building activities in a neighbourhood – for a two day seminar, held in Milton Keynes on 2-3 February. Feedback from the members of the Spiritual Assemblies of Belfast, Cardiff, Cumnor, Edinburgh, Hackney, Manchester, Newcastle-upon-Tyne and Swansea who attended, was very positive. Facilitated by Auxiliary Board members, the focussed study, reflection and consultation in groups, greatly heightened awareness of the significance of the institution upon which Local Assembly members are serving, and the particular role Assembly has in supporting efforts in neighbourhoods. The National Spiritual Assembly consulted on how this experience could be adapted and shared with other Local Assemblies and it plans to consult further with Counsellor Shirin Fozdar-Foroudi about this.

Bahá’í properties 

The National Assembly is developing an overarching strategy for the acquisition, use, care and maintenance of Bahá’í properties over the next five years. As the Five Year Plan progresses, the need for physical spaces for activities, gatherings and consultations is increasing, and hence the need to look forward a number of years to anticipate this need. Efforts are already taking place to acquire land for the future national Mashriqu’l-Adhkár as well as a residential training centre. Of course, the UK Bahá’í community possesses many properties already and there is a need to ensure that these are properly maintained and cared for and are used for the maximum benefit of the Faith. The plan aims to develop the community’s capacity to do this. Existing properties include the Guardian’s Resting Place; Temple land; the National Ḥazíratu’l-Quds; the Master’s apartment at 17 Royal York Crescent, Bristol; facilities emerging at the local, cluster and regional level; local Bahá’í centres; graves of distinguished believers, such as Knights of Bahá’u’lláh, in the United Kingdom, as well as other burial plots owned by the Faith; and properties owned by the National Assembly and maintained for investment purposes. 

Naturally such a far-reaching plan will place a significant demand on the funds of the Faith in the United Kingdom – perhaps at a level never before experienced. Already the National Assembly has announced to the community the estimated cost of the Temple Land and residential centre. 

At its March meeting the National Assembly will consult further with the Counsellor on the proposed plan. 

Other topics 

Here are a few of the other topics that you may be interested to know the National Assembly has given time to:

  • The review of literature that concerns the Central Figures of the Faith and the Holy Family;
  • The further evolution of the UK Bahá’í magazine;
  • The programme for the forthcoming National Convention; 
  • The organizational structure of the National Office and ways to improve efficiency and effectiveness; 
  • Ongoing efforts to educate the friends in the law of Ḥuqúqu’lláh, in collaboration with the Board of Trustees for Ḥuqúqu’lláh for Ireland and the United Kingdom. 

The National Assembly continues to pray at each of its monthly meetings for the entire Bahá’í community, and by name for those who are facing particular tests or challenges. Please also pray for the National Assembly that its efforts may be blessed by the confirmations of Bahá’u’lláh.With our warmest love,

Patrick O’Mara

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