Tag Archives: From the Table

From the table of the National Spiritual Assembly

28 April 2020
2 Jamál 177 B.E.

• Naw-Rúz letter of the Universal House of Justice 
• The progress of the Five Year Plan
• Elevated conversation – public discourses
• Election of the National Spiritual Assembly
• Burials during the current health crisis

• BWNS: Working through crisis fosters greater societal unity in Kazakhstan
• BIC: Amidst health crisis, Iran must release Bahá’ís in prison 

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To all believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

Although all of us have had to change many arrangements – and our usual pattern of meetings and activities has radically altered – nevertheless the work of the Five Year Plan has continued apace, with innovative and creative ways being found to bring Bahá’u’lláh’s message of hope to many.  It has been likewise for the National Spiritual Assembly, which has been meeting this past month at a level of frequency never before experienced, at least not in living memory.  These notes reflect some of the consultations and decisions made at these virtual meetings.

Letter of the Universal House of Justice to the Bahá’ís for World, Naw-Rúz 177

The National Assembly was thrilled to reflect on this beautiful message from the Supreme Body and studied it at its meeting of 27-29 March. It is a letter that connects to every feeling that the Bahá’í community is going through, and is reassuring and full of wonderful guidance:

Though having to adapt to new circumstances, the believers have used creative means to strengthen bonds of friendship, and to foster among themselves and those known to them spiritual consciousness and qualities of tranquillity, confidence, and reliance on God.  The elevated conversations that have occurred as a result, whether remotely or in person, have been a source of comfort and inspiration to many.

Rather than slowing down the work of the Cause, the current situation has provided many opportunities for people everywhere to connect together – albeit electronically – to take stock of their lives, and to consider the question of material means and what is truly important in life.  The National Assembly noted that conversation themes were naturally emerging out of the concerns of this time on many subjects, including global governance, science and religion, the importance of community, and so forth.  The letter also included guidance on holding Bahá’í elections this Ridván and the National Assembly made a number of decisions regarding this.

The progress of the Five Year Plan: The Plan during lockdown

The Five Year Plan and the related teaching work continues to be the major topic of consultation for the National Assembly.  Reports from the Regional Bahá’í Councils show that efforts to teach the Faith, to provide training to unprecedented numbers of people, to hold virtual children’s classes and junior youth programmes have intensified, using online platforms.  Devotionals have been the activity most possible to sustain during the lockdown, with many new devotionals opening up online and within families and homes.  The National Assembly was deeply moved by the response of the community and its consultations focussed on how these efforts could be sustained in the weeks and months ahead as the health crisis eases.  Outcomes of these consultations have included the “Day to Pray” on April 4th and the “Elevate” movement which has been announced to the community.  

The National Assembly has been pleased to observe how Regional Councils have adapted to the current situation.  Having made an annual plan in the weeks prior to the lockdown, Councils are looking to see how each element can be advanced in the current situation, and how the opportunities that are arising can be channelled to swiftly advance each of the clusters along their path of development.

Elevated conversation – public discourse

Time has also been given to exploring how conversations can be elevated at the national, regional, local and neighbourhood level.  In its Riḍván message, the Universal House of Justice commented that, “Leaders, prominent thinkers, and commentators have begun to explore fundamental concepts and bold aspirations that, in recent times, have been largely absent from public discourse.”  The Office of External Affairs, the Association for Bahá’í Studies, and the Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity are all engaged in seeking ways of making meaningful contributions to the emerging discourses, in a wide variety of spaces.

Arrangements for the Election of the National Spiritual Assembly

As all face to face meetings came to a halt, the National Assembly consulted on how best to arrange for its election at Ridván. The guidance from the Naw-Rúz message of the Universal House of Justice was studied.  As a result of its deliberations, it cancelled National Convention and set up an alternative method of voting by email, as well as setting out for the tellers a way to count the ballots whilst maintaining confidentiality.  This system worked very well and it was pleasing to note that all of the 95 delegates were able to vote. 

Arrangements for Burials during the current health crisis.

The National Spiritual Assembly has been grateful to receive guidance from the Universal House of Justice on concerns that have arisen as a result of Covid-19 about the burial of the departed.  In light of the current situation in this country, relevant guidance has been shared with the community.

This period has been challenging for individuals, the community and institutions, but all have arisen magnificently.  The National Assembly is now turning its attention to the final year of the Plan and feels confident that every effort of the friends and the institutions will be blessed by Bahá’u’lláh.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Patrick O’Mara,

Working through crisis fosters greater societal unity in Kazakhstan

The Bahá’í community convenes an online discussion with academics, government officials, social actors, and religious representatives to explore how their collaborative efforts under the current circumstances are strengthening societal unity.  Read more, here >

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