Tag Archives: From the Table

From the table of the National Spiritual Assembly

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To all believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

o   The bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb
o   The progress of the Five Year Plan
o   Residential training centre
o   Temple land
o   Spiritual health of the community
o   Other topics
o   Persian-language version of October 2019 message
o   Bicentenary booklet 
o   Official bicentenary website

The National Spiritual Assembly is pleased to share with you some of the subjects upon which it has been reflecting at its most recent meetings, including during its much valued consultations with Counsellor Shirin Fozdar-Foroudi.

The bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb

Believers from some 100 communities and localities joined four separate webinars to discuss preparations for the forthcoming bicentenary.  In some cases, entire Local Spiritual Assemblies participated, alongside individuals from throughout the United Kingdom and the Faroe Islands.  A further webinar has taken place with members of institutions concerning the use and distribution of the film Dawn of the Light, and the conversations that can be had around it.  Consultation has also taken place around the use of the October 2019 message of the Universal House of Justice, addressed to “all who come to honour the Herald of a new Dawn”.  In both cases, there was much discussion about how to follow up on the many connections that will be made over the coming days—by having devotionals, firesides, and study circles in place to which receptive souls can be invited.

The progress of the Five Year Plan

The National Assembly continues to give much attention to the efforts to win the goals of the Five Year Plan.  We are delighted to see progress being made in some first milestone clusters such as Cumbria and South West Scotland, and the strengthening of second milestone clusters such as West Midlands and Thames Valley.  It is exciting that we are seeing, both at the neighbourhood and at the regional level, institute camps becoming a major element of training.

The National Assembly has also been reflecting upon insights gleaned from the attendance of friends, primarily from London and Manchester, at a recent seminar in the Netherlands which brought together people from 11 neighbourhoods in Europe with members of the International Teaching Centre and European Counsellors, to reflect upon experience in areas of intense activity.  Participants were greatly encouraged by the many insights gained, realising that significant advances can be made with some adjustment in understanding and effort around, for example, the nature of a nucleus of friends working together or how to give expression to the centrality of the training institute.  Not surprisingly, it was understood that in those areas that are advancing most significantly, there were a number of friends that are focussing their entire efforts, often on a full-time basis, to advancing the work.  This was agreed by the National Assembly as being something that we need to continue to learn about and understand more deeply in the UK

Residential training centre

Plans have continued apace to establish the United Kingdom’s first residential training centre.  Following the signing of the contract for the facility at Arncott near Bicester, Oxfordshire, in early September, hosts have now been appointed and will be moving into the Centre in due course.  In consultation, the National Assembly felt that the name of the property should be simple and descriptive; it therefore decided to call the property The Bahá’í Training Centre.  The first intensive training event is likely to take place over the December holiday period.

Temple land

The National Assembly has been studying aspects of the Institution of the Mashriqu’l-Adhkár as work proceeds in searching for land on which will be built a future National House of Worship for the United Kingdom.  The development of this institution, however, is intimately linked with the evolving devotional life of the community, in which all of the friends play a part. 

Spiritual health of the community

With the Counsellor, the National Assembly continues to consult about ways to foster the spiritual health of the community.  Recently it has explored how to assist the friends to better understand Divine law and the moral teachings of the Faith.  The National Assembly firmly believes that further strengthening the educational processes—children’s classes, the Junior Youth Spiritual Empowerment Programme, the study of the Ruhi materials and the capacity of tutors to facilitate courses more effectively—will be highly beneficial to the spiritual health of the community.  Additionally, in recent times, an increasing number of friends have been brought together to study guidance on a range of themes, including the economic life of society, marriage and parenting, and aspects of a chaste and holy life.

Other topics

Here are a few of the other topics that you may be interested to know the National Assembly has been giving time to: 

  • The further promotion of pilgrimage as an integral feature of Bahá’í life.
  • Preparations for memorial meetings for Mr. ‘Alí Nakhjavání.   
  • Guidance received from the Universal House of Justice concerning various aspects of publishing including the Bahá’í system of transliteration, biographies and memoirs of believers.
  • Developing the institution of the National Fund.
  • Revising guidelines on domestic abuse for Local Spiritual Assemblies.
  • The evolution of summer schools.
  • Redevelopment of the Bahá’í Books UK website.
  • Installation of display plaques at the New Southgate Cemetery.
  • Creating a deepening programme for staff and volunteers at the National Ḥazíratu’l-Quds.
  • Restoration of the graves of the Knights of Bahá’u’lláh connected with the British Isle

The National Assembly continues to pray at each of its monthly meetings for the entire Bahá’í community, and by name for those who are facing particular tests or challenges.  Please also pray for the National Assembly that its efforts may be blessed by the confirmations of Bahá’u’lláh.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Patrick O’Mara,

Persian-language version of October 2019 message

A correction has been made to the Persian translation of the October 2019 message of the Universal House of Justice to “all who have come to honour the Herald of a new Dawn”.  The message is available here for home printing and for commercial printing.

Bicentenary booklet

Friends in Greater Manchester have produced an attractive booklet, based on the previously shared exhibition panels, for the bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb.  PDFs of the pages are available here which can be taken to a printer for those who wish to make copies for their own community activities

Official Bicentenary website

Click here to visit the official bicentenary website

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