Tag Archives: ISGP

ISGP UK gatherings for all Bahá’í university students

11 December 2020
1 Masá’il 177 B.E

In light of the Covid-19 pandemic, the decision was taken to postpone the holding of the Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity 10-day undergraduate seminar scheduled for August 2020, and a 4-day online gathering was held in its place.

The ISGP coordinating team is pleased to announce that a further 4-day gathering, that will build on the previous ones, will be held over the following two weekends in 2021: 2-3 January and 9-10 January.

In this period of heightened uncertainty, youth have especially been confronted with many questions about the direction in which the world is headed and their place in it. It is hoped that examining many of the concepts and ideas studied in the ISGP seminars will assist university students in navigating these questions and see how better to respond to this trying time. 

The gathering will be open to all Bahá’í university students, including those who were unable to attend the gathering in August 2020. Full participation over both weekends will be required. All those wishing to attend should register by 26th December 2020 using this link.

This story from the Bahá’í World News Service offers more insight into the conversation unfolding in these gatherings across the world. 

If you have any questions or would like further information, please contact the ISGP coordinating team via isgpuk@gmail.com.

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