Tag Archives: Local Spiritual Assembly

Local Spiritual Assembly guidance notes

National Spiritual Assembly

14 May 2013
17 Jamál 170 B.E.

To all believers in the United Kingdom, the Faroes Islands and Gibraltar,

Dearly loved Friends,

The National Spiritual Assembly has, over the last couple of years, arranged for the updating and development of the guidance notes for Local Spiritual Assemblies. These are being made available on the Bahá’í download website at www.resources.bahai.org.uk. These will continually be updated as necessary.

So far the following topics have been uploaded onto the website:

  • Attributes of a Local Spiritual Assembly
  • Service on Bahá’í institutions
  • Consultation
  • Administration of Bahá’í law
  • Nineteen-Day Feasts
  • Resignation from Bahá’í membership
  • Responding to domestic violence

In the coming weeks, the following sections will also be uploaded onto the website:

  • Election and formation of Local Spiritual Assemblies
  • Current approaches for the administration of Assemblies’ affairs
  • Relationship with the individual and community including mental health issues
  • Relationship with Auxiliary Board members and Assistants
  • Relationship with cluster agencies and the Regional Bahá’í Councils
  • Bahá’í Funds
  • Membership in the Bahá’í community including declarations, special cases, inactive believers and children
  • Marriage
  • Reconciliation and divorce
  • Bahá’í Wills and burial
  • Literature, audio visual and academic review
  • Child protection
  • Holy Days
  • Insurance and data protection

No doubt others will be added in due course. If any of the Local Assemblies require hard-copies, they can download and print them from the website. Should this not be possible for any reason, they may contact the Department of the Secretariat at nsa@bahai.org.uk and a copy will be sent to them.

The National Assembly hopes that these guidance notes will aid Local Assemblies to understand more deeply their duties and obligations, assist them in applying the principles and practices in carrying these out, and thus support them in their efforts to uphold the highest standards of equity and justice in the application of the laws and teachings of Bahá’u’lláh in their communities.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,
Patrick O’Mara

cc. Counsellor Shirin Fozdar-Foroudi
Auxiliary Board member
Local Spiritual Assemblies

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