Tag Archives: Martyrdom of the Bab

Commemorating the Martyrdom of the Báb

National Spiritual Assembly

7 July 2015
14 Rahmat 172 B.E.

To all believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

In the year 1850, in the Persian city of Tabríz, the Báb was cruelly put to death, an occasion that Shoghi Effendi described as “the culmination of the most heroic phase of the Heroic Age of the Bahá’í Dispensation”, and as “the most dramatic, the most tragic event transpiring within the entire range of the first Bahá’í century.”

As you are no doubt aware, the fateful events of the Báb’s Martyrdom will be commemorated in the coming days, on 10 July at about 1 p.m. We encourage all to consider how best to observe this Holy Day. In reflecting on the Martyrdom of the Báb and the miraculous events with which it is associated, the following passage from the Supreme Body may be a source of insight and inspiration:

“The sufferings sustained by the Báb so as to arouse humanity to the responsibilities of its coming age of maturity were themselves indications of the intensity of the struggle necessary for the world’s people to pass through the age of humanity’s collective adolescence. Paradoxical as it may seem, this is a source of hope…” (From a statement by the Universal House of Justice, 22 May 2001)

Be assured of the heartfelt love of the National Spiritual Assembly, and may your selfless services, rendered for the good of humanity—and drawing strength and inspiration from the heroic acts of our spiritual forebears—attract an outpouring of divine blessings.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

National Spiritual Assembly


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