Tag Archives: memorial gathering

Shapoor Monadjem – European Memorial Gathering

In its message dated 16 November 2018, the Universal House of Justice conveyed its great sadness over the passing of Mr. Shapoor Monadjem, “distinguished and greatly loved servant of the Blessed Beauty”, who during a life of selfless devotion to the Faith had also served as a member of the International Teaching Centre.  The Supreme Body asked for memorial gatherings to be “convened in his honour in all Houses of Worship and in Bahá’í communities across the world.” 

In response to the call of the Universal House of Justice, a memorial gathering for Mr. Monadjem will be held at the European House of Worship in Hofheim-Langenhain, Germany on Sunday 6 January 2019 at 3pm.  The devotional program in the Mashriqu’l-Adhkár will be followed by a gathering at 4pm at the Hazíratu’l-Quds in the immediate vicinity of the House of Worship.

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