Tag Archives: messages

Universal House of Justice response to message from National Convention

National Spiritual Assembly

07 May 2015
10 Jamál 172 B.E.

To all believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

The National Spiritual Assembly is delighted to share with you the attached message of 7 May 2015 from the Universal House of Justice, which is a response to the message from those gathered at National Convention.

With loving Baha’i greetings,

National Spiritual Assembly
Patrick O’Mara,


Transmitted by email

TO: The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of the United Kingdom

DATE: 7 May 2015

Email address: nsa@bahai.org.uk


It was clear, from reading the loving message sent to us by the delegates at your National Convention, that the believers in the United Kingdom are refining their understanding of how a programme of growth in a cluster can be initiated and continue to grow in strength. In these last months of the Five Year Plan, it is necessary that the friends exploit to the fullest the skills and insights they have acquired through their experience and through the institute process. At Riḍván 2016, may they look back on a well-deserved victory for the Faith, brought about through their efforts and the power of divine assistance. To this end, we will supplicate at the Sacred Threshold on their behalf.

The Universal House of Justice

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