Tag Archives: national archives

Membership of the National Spiritual Assembly

29 March 2021
11 Bahá 178 B.E.

– Membership of the National Spiritual Assembly

– New compilation: The Universal House of Justice
– National Archives and Library
– Current service opportunities 

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Dearly loved friends,

The National Spiritual Assembly has agreed to a request from Mr. Barney Leith to be relieved of service as a member of the National Assembly, owing to his advancing age. He will continue to serve until the forthcoming election of the National Assembly at Riḍván 2021. The delegates who are electing the National Assembly this year have been informed of this matter.

We wish to take this opportunity to express the National Assembly’s love and gratitude to dear Barney for his 28 years of devoted and sacrificial service to this institution, seven of which were spent serving as its Secretary, followed by two years as Secretary of External Affairs.  His contribution to the work of the Assembly – rooted in his deep devotion to Bahá’u’lláh and energised by his profound love for the institutions and the community – will be greatly missed.  However, he will no doubt continue to serve the Cause with distinction and we wish him and his family well in all their future endeavours in the path of their Beloved, Bahá’u’lláh.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Patrick O’Mara,

New compilation: The Universal House of Justice

A new compilation, prepared by the Research Department, on the subject of the Universal House of Justice has been released, containing extracts from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, the Writings and Utterances of ‘Abdu’l- Bahá, and the writings and letters of Shoghi Effendi.  Also included are excerpts from the Constitution of the Universal House of Justice as well as from the messages of the House of Justice and letters written on its behalf. It is particularly befitting that the release of this compilation comes shortly before the one hundredth anniversary of the Ascension of ‘Abdu’l- Bahá and of the inauguration of the Administrative Order.

The compilation is now available as a PDF here, and on the online Bahá’í Reference Library.  Printed editions will shortly be available for order from Bahá’í Books UK.

National Archives and Library

In God Passes By, Shoghi Effendi describes the establishment of the institution of the National Hazíratu’l-Quds [the “Sacred Fold”]—the seat of the National Spiritual Assembly and pivot of all Bahá’í administrative activity—as ranking amongst a National Assembly’s most important “undertakings of great institutional significance.”  Among the component parts of the Hazíratu’l-Quds, Shoghi Effendi states, are the National Archives and the National Library.

The UK National Archives’ extensive and impressive holdings include a number of significant sacred and historical items: a Tablet of Bahá’u’lláh, more than 150 Tablets of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, over 1,000 letters and cables of Shoghi Effendi, as well as the papers of many of the early believers.  Its records of the history of the Faith come right up to the present.  The National Library contains an extensive collection of Bahá’í literature, including those from the library of Lady Blomfield, many of them signed by the Master.

The National Assembly warmly encourages the friends to consider leaving archival materials and any Bahá’í books to this central repository of the history of the Faith in the UK, where they can be cared for under professional archival conditions and made available for study and, on appropriate occasions, display.

To arrange the transfer of such materials to the National Archives and National Library, please email the National Assembly on nsa@bahai.org.uk or telephone 020 7584 2566.

Current service opportunities

The National Spiritual Assembly is seeking friends to assist its work in the following areas:

COVID-19 Advisory Team – Administrative aide

The COVID-19 Advisory Team requires assistance from someone with the.administrative ability, time and interest to manage its emails, compiling them for the Team’s weekly meetings, and organising its records. 

Social worker

The National Assembly would like to hear from any friends who have professional expertise and experience in social work who may be able to assist in the important area of community care.

If you are interested in offering your services in either of the above areas, which can be carried out from home, please email your CV and a covering letter outlining your experience to the National Spiritual Assembly on nsa@bahai.org.uk.

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