Tag Archives: National Baha’i Centre

National Bahá’í Centre Open Day

National Spiritual Assembly

24 September 2013
17 ‘Izzat B.E.

To all believers in the United Kingdom.

Dear loved friends,

The National Spiritual Assembly is delighted to share with you the news that it has decided to hold an Open Day in the National Bahá’í Centre once again this year. We are blessed in the United Kingdom with a very beautiful and dignified Hazíratu’l-Quds, a building that was built around the time of the beginnings of the Revelation of Bahá’u’lláh in the Síyyáh Chál, and it has a rich Bahá’í history and association with many important historic events.

This year on Saturday 16th November, you, your family and friends are warmly invited to visit the National Centre. On this occasion you will be offered a tour of the building with some explanation of its precious associations and you will also have the opportunity to visit a selection of the precious archival items associated with the Central Figures of the Faith, and with the beloved Guardian, Shoghi Effendi, and some of the early western believers.

Please note that if you intend be avail of this opportunity you should book a time by writing to bookings@bahai.org.uk Please state your preferred time of day – you will receive a reply inviting you to join a specific group and every effort will be made to ensure that your requested time is facilitated. Arranging visitors in groups will ensure that everyone has the possibility of visiting the archives in a quiet and reverent manner.

The National Assembly offers a warm welcome to all to this special visit to 27, Rutland Gate. The building is of course, open to visitors on weekdays and on Sundays from 11.00 am to 4.00 pm, except for those weekends when the National Assembly is meeting.

With warmest Bahá’í love,

National Spiritual Assembly.

Patrick O’Mara

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