Tag Archives: National Spiritual Assembly

UK Bahá’í News Update

15 June 2021
13 Núr 178 B.E.

– Membership of the Bahá’í Council for England
– Vice-Chair of the National Spiritual Assembly
– Launch of new Bahá’í Books UK website
– Bahá’í International Community Perspective: Bridging the “Political Will” Gap

Membership of the Bahá’í Council for England

With the election of Dr. Ronnie Yousefzadeh Bindra to the National Spiritual Assembly, a vacancy was created on the Regional Bahá’í Council for England.  We are pleased to inform you that, in accordance with the guidance, and based on the election results on the Day of the Covenant last year, Ms. Sara Talai will now take up service on the Regional Council.

Vice-Chair of the National Spiritual Assembly

The National Spiritual Assembly wishes to inform the friends that Dr. Shirin Fozdar-Foroudi has been elected as its Vice-Chair.

Launch of new Bahá’í Books UK website

The friends are reminded that the new Bahá’í Books UK website will be launched with an online gathering on Sunday 20 June at 7pm. 
The meeting link is here >
Meeting ID: 970 9409 0274
Passcode: 903147

Perspective:  Bridging the “Political Will” Gap 

Imagine the perfect leader, with impeccable motives and the brilliant plan needed to save humanity. What prevents her or his intentions from coming to fruition?  Read more >

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