Tag Archives: news update

UK Bahá’í News Update

21 May 2020
7 ‘Aẓamat 177 B.E. 

– Response from the Universal House of Justice to contributions to Funds
– Opportunities to serve at the Bahá’í  World Centre
– Elevate: Mental Health Awareness Week and Elevate in Action
– BWNS: Prayer awakens feelings of solidarity, enriches collective life
– BWNS: Efforts in Indian village invite participation

Response from the Universal House of Justice to contributions to Funds

As you are aware, the 9 May 2020 letter from the Universal House of Justice to all National Spiritual Assemblies prompted the National Spiritual Assembly to make a contribution of £190,000 to each of the Bahá’í International Fund and the Continental Fund for Europe.

In response to these donations, a message was received from the Department of the Secretariat on 19 May 2020, expressing the “warm appreciation” of the Universal House of Justice:

It acknowledges with gratitude the concern for the well-being of your fellow believers that has prompted you to make donations to the Bahá’í International Fund and the Continental Fund for Europe.  Be assured of the prayers of the House of Justice in the Holy Shrines for the fortitude and protection of the much-cherished Bahá’ís of the United Kingdom and for divine confirmations to surround them during the final year of the Five Year Plan.

As the vital work of the Cause unfolds in every part of the world, the effective functioning of the Bahá’í World Centre takes on added significance.  The World Centre of the Faith––described by Shoghi Effendi as the “pivot of the agencies of the New World Order”––is supported by a flow of believers from a diversity of countries and occupations who arise
selflessly to offer a period of service, of varying length, in the Holy Land.  The staffing needs at the World Centre are continually changing in light of the evolving demands and available resources.  At any given time, there are roles to be filled which require particular competencies or specialized training, and others that simply require a readiness to learn about one’s specific assignment.  Due to the nature of service at the World Centre, the essential requirements include an ability to offer 12 months or more and a basic proficiency in English.

Anyone interested in learning more about the possibility of offering a period of service at the World Centre is encouraged to contact the Office of Personnel at serve@bwc.org. Offers of service can also be submitted directly at bahai.bwc.org/service.

Elevate is a collection of resources to support a growing movement to create greater spiritual consciousness.  Collections of prayers, readings and inspirational materials to use in devotional gatherings and inspire elevated conversations are now available on the topics of HopeFriendshipPatienceStrength and Gratitudehere >

In honour of Mental Health Awareness Week, and this year’s particular focus on kindness, Elevate has created a new pack of meditations on mental health and kindness to enjoy, and share with friends, family and colleagues.  Visit Elevate >

 Also, a new section within the site, titled Elevate in Action, explores projects, activities and services which people are doing to make their communities a better place.  Collections of prayers, readings and inspirational materials to use in devotional gatherings and inspire elevated conversation have now been published on the topics of Joy, WellnessHopeFriendshipPatienceStrength and Gratitude.

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