Tag Archives: Pilgrimage

Message from the Universal House of Justice concerning pilgrimage

13 March 2020
13 ‘Alá’ 176 B.E.

The following letter to all National Spiritual Assemblies, concerning the impact of the current health crisis on pilgrimages and brief visits to the Holy Land, has been received from the Universal House of Justice.  It can be downloaded as a PDF here >

The National Assembly lovingly reminds the friends of the guidance it issued to the community in its letter of 11 March 2020 [GC-34691] and hopes that this letter is being circulated and read widely. 

Also enclosed below is an article about how the friends in Italy are responding to the current situation offering hope and support to their compatriots.


12 March 2020

To all National Spiritual Assemblies

Dear Bahá’í Friends,

The Universal House of Justice has been following closely the evolving global health crisis caused by the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), and for some time the Department of Pilgrimage has been advising prospective pilgrims and visitors about the rapidly changing restrictions being imposed on travellers by the government of Israel. The current situation and the escalating measures being taken by governments and airlines have now necessitated the suspension of pilgrimage and brief visits to the Holy Land until such time as circumstances permit them to resume.

The House of Justice regrets that many friends who were planning to visit the World Centre of the Cause will be affected by this suspension, but it hopes that they will, before long, be able to fulfil their hearts’ desire.

Kindly assure the friends in your communities of the supplications of the House of Justice at the Sacred Threshold that Bahá’u’lláh’s unfailing assistance and strengthening grace may surround them as well as their compatriots and that all those affected by this outbreak may be sheltered beneath the canopy of His watchful care.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Department of the Secretariat

Hope and support in Italy during a global health crisis

In a time when many parts of the world are grappling with the global coronavirus disease (COVID-19) crisis, friends in some of the most affected areas are finding ways to be of service to their societies. Years of experience with community-building activities have equipped them to respond with creativity and resourcefulness to the current circumstances.  Read more here >

Some useful weblinks

Government response

What you need to know

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